Lee: Interview with Arline Brecher


From Laura Lee’s “Conversation for Exploration”                                                   

Reprinted from the November 2002 Townsend Letter with permission

Laura Lee: Hi, and welcome to “Conversation for Exploration.” I’m your host, Laura Lee. I’ve been hearing, and reading, about chelation therapy lately. It began when a neighbor of mine suffered a heart attack, and he was telling me how he opted not for the standard follow-up surgeries, but for chelation therapy. “Why not just remove the plaque in my arteries, slowly, gently and non-invasively,” he said, “rather than suffer through the traumatic, risky, open heart surgery the hospital pressures you to do?” And when I commented to an acquaintance how lucky he was to be, at 85 years old, so bright, energetic, and still at his career, he replied, “Oh, I owe that to chelation therapy for removing the toxic metals from my system. Renewing my memory, energy, and zest for life is an added benefit.”

Numerous studies show that chelation therapy removes not just plaque and heavy metals, but some of the key causes and signs of aging and a long list of degenerative disease, say Harold and ArlineBrecher. They are the husband and wife team behind the books Forty-Something Forever: A Consumer’s Guide to Chelation Therapy and other Heart Savers and Bypassing Bypass. Arline, a science and medical investigator and writer, joins us from Reston, Virginia.

Hi Arline, good to have you here. You document in your book how safe and effective chelation therapy is, as well as inexpensive. And how devastating toxic metals are to our system. Why isn’t chelation therapy part of the standard procedure for heart patients, and a preventative measure for the rest of us?

Arline Brecher: Oh, that’s a wonderful question, and one I’ve been asking for 27 years. And it’s the reason I wrote the book. When we first heard about chelation therapy in the 1970’s, Harold and I were medical writers and attending a conference. We had met two astonishingly bright holistic-style doctors who were on the cutting edge of new therapies and new discoveries and not afraid to step out and try things that they thought would be more beneficial to their patients than standard treatments. Well, we knew the best way to get a great story was to invite them out for dinner, and they said ‘sure.’ Later in our hotel room the phone rings, and they explained, “We’re going to have to break our dinner appointment, there’s a meeting that we’ve been invited to, and we’re going to go there instead.” Out of pure ego, I said, “a meeting that’s more important than talking with us? Well, if it’s that important, I guess I should go to the meeting,” and he said “You’re not invited. No reporters are allowed in.” So I said, “well, can I come as a human being?” They laughed and said, “if you promise not to write about what you hear, and not to tell anybody about what you’re going to learn, until we are ready to talk about it.” Well, can you imagine a more intriguing….

LL: No, I can’t!

AB: So there we were, in a hotel room, with about 40 doctors. There was a host at the door that they all seemed to know, and the way they all greeted him, it was like somebody returned from the dead. He was the one who had invited a select number of doctors to this off-the-cuff meeting that was not part of the regular conference. The story was that this was Dr. George Frankel, a very well-known cardiologist who had been absent from active life for more than six months. No one knew where he had been or what he had been doing. One afternoon he had been carried off the golf course by his golfing partners, suffering a heart attack. And there he was with his own hospital colleagues attending, and rattling off the percentage that his arteries were blocked and scheduling him for bypass surgery. His reaction was, ‘not me guys’ – the same prescription he had given to so many of his patients, he didn’t want to hear when it came to him.

As luck would have it, it was the week before New Year’s and the Christmas holidays. The doctors always say that this is a matter of life and death and we have to rush you into surgery and we won’t be responsible if you don’t have this bypass done at once. But it turns out that the Red Cross will not release blood for a bypass surgery, which by the way, they do not consider an emergency operation, the week before the Christmas holidays because they are holding back the blood for all the auto accidents that they are expecting. So he had a ten-day reprieve. And he scooted out of the hospital and got on the phone and did what we call a “DID” – “Doctor in Distress” and called everyone he knew and asked, “what is there that I can do besides bypass surgery for my blocked arteries?”

Finally he got a call from a colleague he hadn’t heard from in years, who said, “have you ever heard of chelation therapy?” And what gives me chills is that people are still asking this question 30 years later. Dr. Frankel said, “no, what is it and how do I spell it?” And this doctor said, “if you go to your university library and look it up, you will find more than 4,000 published studies on chelation therapy in the medical journals, mostly from the foreign literature. There is one place in the US, Dr. Ray Evers in Mobile, who conducts a chelation clinic, and if I were you, I’d make arrangements and go there at once.”

And so Dr. Frankel did as he was advised. Dr. Evers was a magnificent human being, and let anybody come, no matter how sick they were. He was doing a very dangerous thing; dangerous for him, not for the patients, because chelation therapy was in such disrepute. But no matter how sick somebody was, and most of Ray Evers’ patients, and I’ve met and talked with lots of them, were carried in, they were too sick to walk. In those days, in the 1970’s, you didn’t see healthy people in chelation doctor’s offices. You didn’t see healthy people being chelated preventively, or just with early signs of angina. You saw the basket cases, the almost dead, almost everything else had failed, and they had been told to go home and put their affairs in order. Dr. Frankel was accepted as a patient and instead of just being treated – because it didn’t take him long, as a doctor, to realize how much better he was feeling, and how his progress was going – he paid attention to the other patients there. He watched them improve, and so he stayed for six months, learning how to be a chelating physician with Dr. Evers as his mentor.

And so he said to the doctors in the room that night, “Now let me tell you why I called this meeting. When the word of this goes out, there will be such a demand, when the public finds out that there is a safe, effective, and non-invasive way to overcome the dread disease of atherosclerosis, and we are not ready for that. We have no doctors trained, no association ready to certify people, and train them, we have no research, no publications, nothing. We’re starting from scratch here. So each of you who is invited here today to form a medical association to do what needs to be done, so chelation therapy can be widely offered, safely and effectively by trained, skilled doctors.”

We were there the night that the organization now known as ACAM, the American College for the Advancement of Medicine, was born. It does everything that Dr. Frankel suggested needed to be done: they hold conferences twice a year, they train doctors in chelation, and they supervise the certification of those doctors. And now, 30 years later, at last, the government-funded study to prove out the validity of chelation therapy was just announced. Your timing is wonderful, Laura Lee.

LL: That the conclusions are in, or they are just beginning the study?

AB: They are just beginning the study. It is 30 million dollars, sponsored by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. It will be a multi-center, randomized clinical trial, to determine both the safety and efficacy of chelation therapy for treating coronary artery disease. The proponents have been begging for this for years. The opponents have done everything they could to block this kind of research. And so now to go back to your first question: why don’t more people know about chelation. Well, money, greed, power….

LL: And politics.

AB: And politics. You know, medicine is so full of politics. People have caught on, that health care is disease care in this country, and it’s in crisis.

LL: That’s why we seek alternatives, when the standards don’t work. OK, so there’s a logical sequence here. We know how devastating the heavy metals are. It’s acknowledged that chelation is the treatment of choice for cases of acute toxic heavy metal poisoning. And we know how widespread heavy metals are out there. So explain the connection between heavy metals and heart disease. You write that it was once thought that chelation took the calcium out of the plaque. But there’s a new understanding that the chelation takes away the heavy metals and also free radicals are implicated in the hardening of the arteries, not to mention the devastating effect it has on so many of the body’s systems.

AB: Atherosclerosis, which is the main culprit when they talk about cardiovascular disease, is hardening of the arteries. The more appropriate way to understand that is to call it calcification of the arteries. We have a population that has been fed the idea that we need more calcium. But that is one of the most devastating nutritional myths out there. Calcium, while it is a vital mineral, is the most damaging mineral you can over-ingest. Because it takes X amount of magnesium to balance out X amount of calcium. And if the biochemistry of the body has gone askew for any reason, then the input/output of the cells and balancing of the calcium and magnesium goes awry, with the result that there’s calcification buildup in the arteries.

LL: So it goes back to what my mother said, and her mother before her: everything in balance.

AB: Oh yeah, but getting that balance is a whole lot harder these days than when our mothers and our grandmothers were doing it. That same wonderful Dr. Evers, to whom we dedicated Forty-Something Forever wrote a piece many years ago called “Magnesium and the Link to the Mystery of Aging and Calcification.” I hold this paper and I’m in awe over its impact and scientific validity because Dr. Evers was not a scientist, he was a clinician, a doctor, he took care of people, he was a pioneer. He wrote a paper on this subject that holds up to today’s knowledge, and has a wisdom that many of today’s doctors have forgotten. So when we’re talking about EDTA chelation therapy, we are talking about removing from the cells, those toxic elements that prevent the cells from functioning properly. It’s not just the toxicity of the elements that it’s removing, the lead, arsenic, mercury, and so forth. It’s not just that. It’s that with those deposits in the cells, the cellular biochemistry that keeps us in balance including and maybe primarily, the calcium-magnesium balance, is upset, and that allows the calcification that causes the disease. Now it gets more complicated, naturally; this was a real simplification. People need to understand that calcification starts as a biochemical deficiency of magnesium, among other things.

LL: And it’s a system-wide deficiency. So when you go in with open heart surgery they are just fixing one piece, you’re not addressing the whole puzzle.

AB: It’s worse than that. You’re being kind. Can I be unkind?

LL: Yes, please. Tell it like it is. That’s what you’re good at.

AB: I used to say, when I was younger and kinder, and hadn’t yet talked to so many thousands of people, that your whole arterial system suffers from exactly the same amount of calcification and blockage as that very small portion that they show you on an X-Ray. They do the bypass or that angioplasty on that little piece of pipe! Because that’s all they can reach. But what about down to your toes, and the tip of your fingers, and up to your brain. People understood that. And it’s true. But what is left out of that explanation is this: it’s not just that the bypass and the stents and the contraptions that they use in this ‘cut ‘em apart and sew’ em up.’ Now here comes the anger. It’s because that damages the arteries for all time. Because you’re never well again. Because no matter what they tell you, it’s a lie. Because it’s not true that there are benefits to the surgery.

LL: So once again the medical profession ignores the safe, the effective, the non-expensive, the non-invasive, and the whole-body benefits that come from chelation. And they keep selling, and they keep pressuring people – I heard it from my neighbor – that you must get the risky and traumatic procedures, that do damage. It seems criminal.

AB: Laura Lee, I’ve heard more horror stories. Let me tell you the one that stands out in my mind. A man called up one day, and told me his situation. He had just had bypass surgery and was now looking for a chelation doctor. He knew all about chelation. Why did you have bypass? I asked. He told me that he had a minor heart attack while on vacation, and he got the whole sales pitch, but he told them that he wanted to go home and have chelation therapy. “Oh no,” they said, “you can’t do that.” So they got hold of his wife, and they scared the heck out of her. They told her that because of the heart attack, he had lost his mental capacity, and he was not in a condition where he could make a self-determination about his therapy. That he wouldn’t live to leave the hospital, and it was her obligation to save his life by signing the consent decree for the operation.

LL: So she could force him to do it.

AB: That’s right, and she did. And he said to me, ‘you know, I love my wife, and I was afraid that she wouldn’t survive if I didn’t have it. But I couldn’t put her through that, so I thought I’ll have chelation after the operation.’

LL: What does the operation do, that it damages your system to the extent that it will never get back to normal?

AB: First of all, when they do the bypass, they are replacing artery with veins. Excuse me God, did you mean us to have replaceable arteries? I don’t think so. Veins don’t work like arteries. That’s number one. Number two: if you follow the literature and the research, which I do, this is the way it goes. You never find out what’s wrong with what they are doing when they pronounce it “new and wonderful,” until they come along with an improvement. That has to do with stents and angioplasty and every so-called technological development that’s come down the orthodox trail in the 25 years I’ve been following chelation therapy. When angioplasty came along for the first time, the first study that came out after a sufficient amount of time passed, what do you know – angioplasty was found to be a precursor to cardiovascular surgery. So now we get to do two or three operations where before we only did one. Now about the stents – it wasn’t until they invented stents that they were willing to admit that the place where they did the sewing together was the first place for new plaque to build up and start the problem all over again. But now when they introduced stents, they said that they prevent the problem of it coming back together. Well, then we found that the stents themselves cause further damage. And now guess what – we have new stents, and now they admit the old stents cause problems. And the new stents are coated with radioactive material.

LL: So it just gets worse and worse. Well, rather than push the plaque in the arteries around, why not remove it altogether? And not just from around the heart, but throughout the body. And not just the plaque, but the heavy metals, so the cells can function normally. How can they ignore these proven effects of chelation therapy? We’ll find out more from ArlineBrecher. Her book is Forty-Something Forever. Even if you don’t have heart disease, the number one killer out there, this is a book worth reading so you can take the steps now to prevent it, and improve your overall health, measurably.

LL: Let’s continue our conversation with ArlineBrecher. Arline, a couple of things. You are explaining how the medical institution not only ignores chelation therapy, they are lobbying against it. Could you please give us a quick history of chelation, tell us what the EDTA, the ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid does; is it so hard to understand what this stuff does?

AB: One of the problems with EDTA chelation therapy, is the intensive research to explain the exact biochemistry has never been done because there has never been anybody to fund it. So most of what we know is from the best research ever – watching the clinical results of thousands and thousands of patients. Where it came from, is a development of EDTA. It’s a totally non-toxic drug. You wouldn’t believe there was such a thing. The FDA approved formal clinical trials, several of them; there just never was enough money to get them completed. Right now, EDTA is the drug of choice for heavy metal toxicity, which is where it is totally accepted. That’s what it’s for. Next is to get it approved for the decalcification of cardiovascular disease and these other uses. The FDA accepted all these research protocols without demanding a safety study because the safety of EDTA has never been questioned. So one of the things that is really distressing about the doctors who want to trash chelation therapy because it interferes with their own very lucrative practices, is that they spread a lot of mythology about it being dangerous, causing liver damage, or kidney damage. When actually, all the research that has been done has been done on patients and keeping very good clinical records on their progress, which proves its safe use.

LL: EDTA is unusual in that it has been used in hundreds of applications, you find it as a preservative in foods, in dyes. You say that the word comes from the Greek “chele,” which means claw, because it gets in there and grabs on to the metals and pulls them out, so they can exit the system.

AB: Exactly. It was first used in the fabric dye industry in Germany when the Germans felt that they were going to be cut off from industrial supplies of citric acid, and developed this product instead.

LL: And it does even better than citric acid for that use.

AB: The first use of it in a clinical application was in one of these happenstances, in the days when you didn’t have to go through lengthy procedures to try something out. When doctors were free to say, “Hey, I see a patient with a problem, I’d like to try something.” Let me interject something. We have such a roster of pioneers in this business. Harold and I have a dream of leaving a legacy, an Alternative Medicine Hall of Fame. We want the people who come behind us to recognize us, to recognize, understand, and appreciate the pioneers of holistic medicine. How they became what they became, how they contributed to what will someday be standardized treatment, because what goes on these days ain’t going to last. And so much of what was ‘poo-pooed,’ twenty and thirty years ago, like Vitamin C and Vitamin E, today is standard. And so the website will be up soon, “Alternative Medicine Hall of Fame” honoring the pioneers, there are so many. I just wanted to mention that.

LL: Great idea. About chelation, you say that it removes, in this order, the heavy metals – chromium, iron, mercury, copper, lead, zinc, cadmium, cobalt, aluminum. Zinc and iron are necessary. Men can get too much iron, but women lose iron, and get anemic. And zinc is hard to hang on to, that’s another common deficiency.

AB: After menopause is when women’s rate of heart disease matches men’s. There is research documenting that.

LL: And then there’s the free radical connection.

AB: Exactly, because that sparks the free radicals. It’s another way of saying ‘biochemical instability” that is causing nutritional deficiency that’s upsetting the way everything in the body works. That’s the other aspect that should be so obvious to any physician, but it’s the age of specialization, and the orthodoxy pretends that when you have something wrong with your left toe, it has nothing to do with your right eye. That’s not true. You can’t have a healthy heart if you have a sick body anyplace. It can’t be. Whatever goes wrong in one part of the body eventually will spread and affect every part of the body. And the whole idea of keeping yourself in balance, and nutritionally fortified, and to get rid of the toxins that we ingest everyday, is the only way to remain healthy.

LL: You give a nice list in your book, of the various names we give the various sites in the body that degenerate. Let me read this paragraph: “First cells, then tissues, then genetically weakened organs give way. The result is some form of degenerative disease, involving the heart – call it heart disease, the joints – we call that arthritis, the brain – we call that Alzheimer’s, pancreas – we call that diabetes, the immune system – we call that AIDS. Or whatever organ is the first to falter.”

AB: I’m glad I wrote that.

LL: It’s all the same cause, of the cells going wrong, and depending on where they are, is what name you’re going to give it.

AB: And the pharmaceutical industry is built on having a separate item to counteract every one of the diagnostic names. To the point where the pharmaceutical industry, of late, has even made up diseases. Social anxiety became a disease when they came up with Prozac. It’s reached the point where I don’t know how they can be believed.

Charles Farr, one of the great pioneers of chelation therapy, said, “Have you ever noticed that the same diet that is good for arthritis, is good for diabetes, is good for heart disease, is good for allergies, is good for depression.” What a remarkable statement that is. Nothing I ever heard pointed so clearly that something is either healthy for the body or unhealthy for the body. “I don’t care what’s wrong with you, what you call it, or how it’s been diagnosed, or what state you’re in today. There is only one way to reverse a disease. Build health into the cells, and crowd out the disease.” You can’t beat the disease, drug the disease, cut it out of the body, radiate or chemo it out of the body. You can’t do anything else to combat the disease except build health. And that’s what we’re dedicated to.

Basically, it’s a philosophical difference. Why the big fight against chelation…why we haven’t heard about it…why the orthodoxy fights it tooth and nail. It’s because chelation therapy represents an entirely different paradigm of healing, medicine, and health. If we are right, they are all wrong. That’s a fearful idea for them to contemplate, because what we talk about is building health into the body, which is the only way to banish disease.

LL: But it seems both are necessary, Arline. If you get run over by a car, and your life is slipping away, you want them to come in with the surgery and the heavy-duty drugs to keep you alive. And then you can worry about your general health and well-being after that. Maybe that same philosophy – ‘we can get in there with high tech procedures’ – they get enamored of that and see that as the only solution, across the board. So they don’t see that chelation therapy and other alternative therapies can help before you get to the crisis stage of degenerative disease. But we do need both approaches in medicine.

AB: I’ve had no biochemistry, I’ve never studied science, I was never interested in becoming a doctor. But you are your own best doctor. Be really sensitive and aware of when you felt well, and when you don’t, and what you’ve done to change that, and how you made your self healthier every day. Get your blood work and find out what you need, and pay attention to rest, and food, and chelation if you need that. Because if you do, even those traumatic events for which surgery and trauma care might be necessary….

LL: You’re going to weather them better.

AB: Exactly. And chelation therapy has great word of mouth. People see their friends who’ve just been chelated, and ask them why they look so good. Do you know, we’ve sold over one half million copies of Forty-Something. And I take no credit for that. Easily one-third of those sales have been people who send ten copies at a time to all their friends. They find it easier to tell their friends what they’ve been doing.

I want to read you a letter. This is from Samuel Benjamin, and he writes: “After being told by my cardiologist that after two blocked arteries I was a candidate for bypass surgery, I began making inquiries to friends, and out popped two words: chelation therapy. With my life at stake, I began researching the subject by reading books and articles, both pro and con. And next I located an office practicing chelation, asked for a list of patients, and proceeded to interview about 40 patients, which were very affirmative.” Aren’t people smart?

“Then I researched bypass surgery and discovered that the Office of Technology Assessment, an arm of the US government, stated that bypass surgery has never been carefully evaluated before being rushed into use by the AMA.” Well, this is true. “Ten billion dollars are spent yearly on 300,000 procedures with a casualty rate of 20,000 patients annually. At a symposium by the AMA, a Dr. Henry MacIntosh stated that bypass should only be used in cases of crippling angina which does not respond to conservative treatment.”

LL: So not just the standard treatment for everybody.

AB: Right. And he continues: “So my only alternative was chelation. So I requested my insurance company underwrite the cost of about $3,000 for 30 treatments, and they immediately refused. But would underwrite an unproven and dangerous procedure, a bypass, at a cost of approximately $70,000. I felt I just entered LaLa Land.”

LL: Do the math, right?

AB: “Prior to chelation: 1) No energy. I napped at least two hours a day. 2) could only walk 50 feet before a cramp in my left leg stopped me. 3) due to diabetes, macular degeneration had dimmed the sight in my left eye, requiring reading of large print publications. After 18 chelations, 1) energy returned, eliminating naps of two hours daily; 2) blockage in left calf disappeared; now walk distances; 3) bonus: one morning, I picked up a newspaper and read it. Without question, the above improvements are due solely to the chelation treatments since for over five years, medication has not helped. I indict the AMA, the medical Mafia, for doing a hatchet job on alternative medicine, particularly chelation, to the detriment of the public, who so desperately need this procedure. I also chastise the public for allowing the medical profession to remain on a pedestal, hiding behind their ignorance. Benjamin Rush, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and personal physician to George Washington, over two hundred years ago, declared the following. ‘Unless we put the medical freedom into the Constitution, the time will come when medicine will organize into an undercover dictatorship to restrict the art of healing to one class of men and deny equal privilege to others to constitute the best medical science. All such laws are un-American, and despotic, and have no place in the republic.’ Here’s a new Hippocratic Oath: I believe in the AMA, I believe in the drug industry. I believe in bypass surgery, I believe in the tooth fairy. I believe in Santa Claus. I believe in the mighty buck. Signed, Samuel Benjamin”

LL: I want to add here the quote that you have in the beginning of your book, from your hero, Ray Evers. He said, “One does not have true freedom until one is free to choose how he wishes to be treated medically.” Our hour is about to end, so I have to ask you about the across-the-board improvements: the reversals of the signs of aging, the improved memory, improved vision, improved energy, and all the rest of the list that you have seen from patients, heard from patients, and that have been documented. It’s very logical to understand those improvements if the cellular health and balance returns to each of the cells of the body. Then of course the body would revive itself across the board. It’s just logical.

AB: You’ve got it! You see, one of the big damning charges, because we are so opposite the drug industry, is that it’s snake oil, it claims to do everything. And that reveals their ignorance. If chelation therapy works, biochemically, the way we say it does, the proof of it is, it does everything, because that is the way the body works.

LL: So you take out the poisons from inside each of the cells, the cells go back to balance and doing their job, and health returns.

AB: And there goes your wrinkles, and you get your memory back, and your eyesight clears, and you walk with a spring. And you breathe easier, and the lungs are better, the heart is better, everything is better.

LL: Arline, thank you for being an advocate for health, and how we can regain our health, protect our health, and the various methods we need to know about to take those steps. Thanks for the 27 years of work you’ve done on this mission.

AB: Thank you for this wonderful conversation, I’ve enjoyed it so much.

Glassman: Chelation Therapy

DANIELS-obit-videoLargeFrom the New Age Journal article by Judith Glassman
Reprinted from Townsend Letter with permission

“After my angina came back, I thought, this is the end for me. I sold my big house, sold the elastics business I had been in for thirty years, and did a lot of cleaning up to make life easier for wife after I was gone,” 59-year-old John Flore of New Jersey says, “When I first started EDTA chelation therapy, I was planning on dying.”

Flore had had a triple bypass three-and-a-half years earlier, but when the chest pain returned and an angiogram revealed that his grafted arteries had closed up, he refused to even consider more heart surgery. “That operation was the most awful thing in my life,” he recalls. “I’d die before I’d do that again.”

Instead, Flore began an unconventional treatment—and thrived. At the urging of a neighbor, he began seeing New York City holistic physician Warren Levin, who gave him a detailed medical workup, then recommended a drastic change in diet, nutritional supplements, and treatment with the controversial drug ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid, a man-made amino acid commonly known as EDTA.

The treatment consists of a series of intravenous infusions given two to three times a week for a total of 20–40 infusions or more, depending on the particular case. The infusions usually last three-and-a-half to four hours, and each generally contains three grams of EDTA.

When Flore began the therapy, he had trouble walking the short distance from the train station to Levin’s office. “I couldn’t walk a block. My legs felt as though they were going to collapse.” But after about fifteen treatments, his chest and leg pain had totally disappeared. “I feel terrific,” he says now. “I even look younger—I don’t have any more little wrinkles around my eyes. Chelation has given me a new lease on life.”

Since the ’50s, 400,000 people like John Flore have undergone chelation therapy for a staggering variety of ailments, including angina pains, peripheral vascular disease, gangrene, memory loss, senility, chronic skin ulcers, and retina damage from diabetes. Many of them have pronounced it a miracle cure.

The 1,000 MDs, who practice chelation, claim it has valid long-term effects. These physicians maintain that EDTA has an extraordinary success rate—long-lasting, subjective improvement in 75–90 percent of all patients. Says Elmer Cranton, former president of his county medical society and author of a recently published book called Bypassing Bypass, “My patients don’t get all completely well. But 85 percent improve enough so that they’re happy with the treatment.” Furthermore, Cranton and his colleagues claim that when administered according to established protocol, EDTA is one of today’s safest medications, less toxic than aspirin.

If reports such as Flore’s, Cranton’s and others are accurate, chelation ranks as one of the greatest discoveries of all time. Most of the ailments chelationists claim to treat successfully stem from impaired circulation, often caused by arteriosclerosis—the progressive accumulation of arterial plaque that clogs and stiffens arteries, leading inevitably to heart attacks and strokes. Arteriosclerosis affects up to 100 million people in the United States, and modern medicine offers no cure. Drugs and surgery temporarily relieve symptoms but do nothing to stop the progress of the disease.

Still, not everyone shares chelationists’ enthusiasm. The treatment is at the center of a whirlwind of medical controversy. Even the most open-minded physicians—like William Castelli, medical director of Framingham Heart Study, the longest-running analysis of the relationship between diet and heart disease—are skeptical.

But California doctor Ross Gordon is so sure EDTA is safe that he himself has undergone chelation treatment. President of the 400-member, 11-year-old American Academy of Medical Preventics (AAMPS), which designed and distributed guidelines for the therapy and helps to defend chelating physicians who are challenged by state medical boards, Gordon has treated himself for the past 15 years with more than 100 infusions of EDTA. “I’m 54 now,” he says. “When I was 32, my blood pressure was 220/110. Today my blood pressure is 130/85; I’ve taken no medication for the past 20 years, and that’s the reason chelation is worth fighting for.”

Caught in the middle are millions of desperate patients. They are in pain—often life-threatening pain—that mainstream medicine can’t seem to relieve. Yet their doctors discourage them from seeking alternatives. Chelation therapy using EDTA has become so controversial that the key issue is often obscured; a good deal of research suggests that chelation effectively improves impaired circulation.

Ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetic acid is a chelating agent, from the Greek Chele, meaning claw, which describes its action of grabbing ions, electrically charged metal atoms, and incorporating them into its structure. It is also an antibacterial agent and is widely used as a preservative.

EDTA has a particular affinity for heavy and toxic metals and was approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration as a treatment for lead poisoning in 1959. Unexpectedly, lead-poisoning victims who also suffered symptoms of arteriosclerosis reported that chelation reduced their angina and leg pain and increased their endurance. Because of these unforeseen benefits, doctors began studying the effects of EDTA on patients with arteriosclerosis.

In a series of patient studies performed between the mid-1950s and 1960, Norman E. Clarke, Charles N. Clarke, and Robert E. Mosher, physicians at Detroit’s Providence Hospital, observed striking subjective improvements in nearly 200 patients with a variety of symptoms, including angina, circulatory problems, and cerebrovascular senility.

In 1959, J. Roderick Kitchell, Chief of Cardiology at Presbyterian Hospital in Philadelphia, and surgeon Lawrence E. Meltzer studied 10 patients with disabling angina who had not responded to any therapy. EDTA seemed ineffective, and the study was discontinued. But two or three months after their treatment ended, some patients reported fewer and less severe angina attacks. Five of nine patients who had had abnormal EKGs also improved. The enlarged hearts of three patients returned to normal size.

Although cautious, Kitchell and Meltzer concluded that all these improvements, plus their similarity to Clarkes’ findings, were persuasive evidence that “chelation may well be an effective treatment for coronary artery disease.”

Cranton and other physicians point to more recent studies for objective evidence of chelation’s benefits. In 1981, for example, AlchardCasdorph, former assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of California Medical School in Irvine treated 18 patients with documented arteriosclerotic heart disease, some of whom had undergone bypass surgery but were still in pain. All their symptoms improved, and there was a small but significant increase in the heart’s pumping action in 17 of the 18 patients. Casdorph has also successfully treated patients with reduced cerebral blood flow and gangrenous limbs. In another recent study, Kansas City osteopath Edward McDonagh showed that chelation therapy can reduce abnormal retinal pressure in diabetic patients.

But patients’ own stories substantiate these medical reports.

Three years ago 51-year-old ReberTesterman, a Pennsylvania farmer, was told by a surgeon that the only treatment for his gangrenous left foot would be amputation of his leg from the knee down. Testerman was in constant pain; the only way around the three farms he managed was to drag his leg after him. He could sleep only in a big stuffed chair with his leg propped up over the side, and even then the pain would wake him after an hour. When his surgeon recommended amputation, Testerman decided to take a chance on chelation therapy. Even after chelation, he lost two of his toes and one side of his left foot, but he’s pleased to have his leg and nearly total mobility. “I feel if I had started chelation three months earlier I wouldn’t have needed any amputation at all,” he said recently.

In 1980, 46-year-old Jeri Hornsby had bypass surgery on her left carotid artery, hoping the operation would increase blood flow to her brain and relieve her dizziness, poor vision, and failing memory. Instead, she got worse: “I’d try to introduce my husband to someone and would totally go blank. ‘This is my…my…my…’ and I’d just stand there. I finally stopped introducing him.” Told surgery could do no more for her, Hornsby began chelation therapy. “After my fourth treatment, I started feeling better. After my seventh, I could drive again.”

Chelationists are justifiably angry that orthodox medicine ignores the existing studies. Indeed, the AMA writes that its unsuccessful literature search to confirm chelationists’ claims covered the period from 1966-1984. Yet pro-chelation literature reveals that the relevant studies took place prior to that period.

Patients are angry, too. Each EDTA infusion costs an average of $75, so a course of 20 with diagnostic tests runs up to $2,000. That’s far less than bypass surgery, which can cost more than $25,000, but insurance companies routinely pay for bypass, while patients must fight to be reimbursed for chelation and are flatly refused.

EDTA’s proponents point out that the arguments mounted against chelation could just as easily be aimed at chelation therapy’s main rival, the current darling of mainstream heart medicine, bypass surgery. Bypass has never been tested by controlled clinical trials. It is far more costly than chelation and far more dangerous, a criticism with which many mainstream physicians agree. Writing in the December 1984 Atlantic Monthly, Thomas A. Preston, chief of cardiology at Pacific Medical Center was forcefully blunt, “The operation does not cure patients, it is scandalously overused, and its high cost drains resources from other areas of need.”

Although bypass does offer most patients relief from angina for an average of two to five years, Elmer Cranton says this makes it even more dangerous; patients often think they’re all right and go on living unhealthy lives. As Cranton explains, “The bypass approach treats the tip of the iceberg, the site where plaque has developed most rapidly, while ignoring the rest of the circulatory network.”

Some chelationists believe that the therapy works because EDTA helps unclog the circulatory system by drawing calcium from plaque or that all of EDTA’s various effects stem from its proven action, as a lead chelator. Others say the EDTA helps reduce the effects of free radicals—highly reactive atomic structures lacking one electron that contribute to the process of aging.

Richard Casdorph has related the action of EDTA to that of a new class of heart medication, the calcium-channel blockers, that appear to reduce the entry of calcium into cells. Since arteries need calcium ions to contract, blocking them is believed to keep arteries relaxed and open. Casdorph says, “When you block the influx of calcium at the cellular level, you get a vasodilatory effect.”

What may be equally significant about chelation therapy, obscured by the furor over EDTA, is that it’s part of a holistic package, consisting of diet and other factors proven to allay heart disease. The chelation diet is low in fat and has no refined sugar, or white flour or rice. It is high in fiber, whole grains, and fresh fruits and vegetables—similar to the diet recommended by the American Heart Association. EDTA treatment is also generally accompanied by serious mineral supplementation, primarily zinc, chromium, copper, iron, and magnesium. Michael Schachter, a board-certified psychiatrist practicing orthomolecular psychiatry and holistic medicine in Nyack, New York, points out, “We must check potassium levels since many patients who come for chelation therapy are on diuretics that cause a potassium loss.” Many chelating physicians insist that patients stop smoking, sometimes refusing to treat them until they do. And most patients are encouraged to begin an exercise program.

The heart of the therapy is the chelation experience: support groups that meet for three-and-a-half to four hours at a time, two or three times a week. Patients sit together in groups, giving each other positive reinforcement, encouragement, and support. They can’t walk around easily; distractions are few; the talk is of recovery. There’s little else to do but focus on the illness, the treatment, and getting well again. New patients walk into a room of others sitting in big recliners, each with a needle in one arm attached to an intravenous stand to one side. They usually remember that first moment vividly. Reber Testerman recalls, “What helped me most was the atmosphere. It was just relaxed and felt like home.” Jeri Hornsby says, “When you walk into the chelation therapy room and hear everyone talking and laughing, you’d think there wasn’t anybody sick in there. It’s like a big, happy family. And you think, all these people are getting better, so I’m going to get better.”

Bypassing Bypass: The New Technique of Chelation Therapy
by Elmer Cranton and ArlinBrecher, 1985

Chelation Therapy by Dr. Morton Walker, 1980

Reprinted from the Port Townsend Health Letter—Winter 1986

Freedenfeld: Chelation Study Criticized

by Stuart H. Freedenfeld, MD
Reprinted from the November 2002 Townsend Letter with permission

freedenfieldMany of our patients may have heard about a study published in JAMA, January 23, 2002, that claims to prove that chelation therapy has no benefit over placebo. I implore you to read the publication for yourself and I think you will conclude, as I did, that this study reaffirms the clear benefit of chelation therapy for cardiovascular disease.

The study was reported as a double blind, randomized, placebo controlled trial. This means that neither doctors nor patients knew who got which treatment (double blind), and that participants were assigned to placebo or treatment group in a random fashion, and that one group got the “real thing” and the other group got a placebo. Unfortunately, in this study both groups got the real thing though one group got a more complete version of the real thing, so in fact, there was no placebo group. As anticipated, both groups improved significantly, and the “real thing” group improved more than the “placebo” group, but because the difference was small, the study could not demonstrate a statistically significant difference and therefore the conclusion was that chelation doesn’t work any better than placebo.

All patients had to have positive stress tests at 2-14 minutes of exercise to be included in the study. Both groups (39 patients in each group) were treated with a comprehensive evaluation of risk factors and both were given comprehensive vitamins and supplements as recommended by chelating physicians (but ignored by many conventional cardiologists). Both groups were also given 30 intravenous treatments twice weekly and then every four weeks for a total of 33 treatments. All intravenous treatments contained all the vitamins and minerals recommended by the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM) except the “placebo” group did not get one of the ingredients – EDTA.

Though EDTA has been touted as the cornerstone of chelation therapy, it has never been felt to be the only important component of the treatment. If it were, then the other ingredients would not be used. In fact, each of the ingredients in the protocol serves important additive roles and the sum of the parts creates the benefits even if some of the ingredients are omitted.

So what did the study show?

•    Both groups had statistically significant improvement in time to ischemia on treadmill testing. (P<0.001 means the likelihood that this would be due to chance rather than the treatment is less than 1 in a thousand.) The treatment group receiving EDTA had a 16.66% better improvement than the “placebo” group. Because there were only 39 people in each group, this was not statistically significant. But if the same trend continued with a larger group, this would have been highly significant.

•    Both groups improved in essentially all areas measured. The EDTA treated group improved more than the “placebo” group in essentially all measures, but again the study size was too small to prove differences between the groups. But absence of proof is not the same thing as proof of absence!

• Evaluation of treatment relied upon treadmill testing which is an unreliable predictor of cardiac events, which really primarily identifies obstructing plaque in the coronary arteries, not the inflammatory plaque that is now accepted as the most likely cause of heart attacks. EDTA chelation has never pretended to clear out hardened plaque, but does claim to improve functional capacity and prevent heart attacks. If clearing out hardened plaque was useful, then we would expect that bypass surgery and angioplasties would improve life expectancy, but this has not been the case except in a small select group of obstructing hard plaque lesions.

• All patients were followed for one year after treatment. In the “placebo” group one patient developed a documented MI and 6 others were admitted for worsening angina. Four of these 7 patients had angioplasties and 1 other patient had a bypass. In the EDTA group, there was 1 MI and 9 admissions for worsening angina but no patients went on to angioplasty or bypass surgery! If treatment was stopped after 27 weeks, it is not surprising that some patients had return of angina. But it is very significant that NONE of the EDTA treated group went on to surgery compared to 5 out of 40 in the other group.

• In the placebo group 4 patients were withdrawn (there were actually 43 initially), 2 of these had unrelated medical conditions and 1 had increased angina, the fourth had bypass surgery. Of the original 41 in the EDTA group, 1 was withdrawn for an increase in serum creatinine (an event that we see and just watch as we continue chelation treatments) and 1 that was hospitalized with angina. So even in the dropouts there were twice as many cardiac problems in the group not receiving EDTA.

Unfortunately, the publication did not specify individual data on each patient. In a study this small it is common to see trends in individuals that may not be seen when all data scores are grouped together. I am sure others will get the raw data and reassess the results and come to alternative conclusions. For example, in this study, all stress tests were stopped at 14 minutes and anyone still going at that time was considered to have ischemia at 14 minutes! That means that if an individual developed ischemia at 13.5 minutes before the treatment and was able to exercise for 35 minutes after treatment, he would have been stopped at 14 minutes and declared to have ischemia at that time. His improvement would be listed as 30 seconds rather than 22 minutes. This kind of data collection would very significantly skew the results to avoid finding benefits.

Ray Evers, MD: Chelation Therapy and Preventive Medicine

by Ray Evers, MD
Reprinted from Townsend Letter with permission

medical-series-11-1485456-640x480Chelation therapy could hold the key to the basic treatment of some of our greatest killer diseases, those of the cardiovascular system. The diseases, all characterized by the same basic abnormality, that is, narrowing and closing off of the blood vessels, can affect any organ of the body. Everyone is familiar with the clinical picture of coronary heart attacks and strokes (hemorrhage of the brain) however, many other diseases such as diabetes, thyroid, adrenal disturbance, digestive problems, senility, emphysema, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, etc., may also be caused, at least in part, by interference with the proper delivery of blood to vital structures. Every cell of the body is totally dependent on the blood circulation to bring the essential nutrients to it and to take away the toxic products of metabolism. Any process that interferes with this constant flow will upset the delicate balance in the cell, change its ability to function properly, allow it to fall prey to toxic or hostile elements in the environment of that cell or tissue, and eventually may result in disease.

Fortunately, the circulatory system has a built-in safety mechanism to withstand a certain amount of obstruction. The flow through the average blood vessel is greater than the organ it supplies really needs. In fact, it is not until the blood flow is reduced to about 50% of normal that significant changes can be noted in the tissues supplied.

This great margin of tolerance is what permits young people to function without symptoms of clinical disease even though the process of arteriosclerosis has already produced measurable narrowing of arteries. Certain genetic factors, as well as nutritional defects, environmental poisons, stress factors, air pollutants, etc., may accelerate with patients in their forties until they are struck down in the “prime of life” by coronary attack or stroke. Military records show that in the Vietnam conflict about 95% of the bodies autopsied—between the ages of 18 and 25, representing the best physically fit men in America—had coronary artery disease. This shows that this disease does occur early in life. The statistics were almost identical to those from the Korean conflict.

All too often physicians have reassured many people, shortly before the catastrophe, that they are in the best of health. Anyone who assumes that a person is in excellent health in this day and age, on the basis of a few normal tests, is being dreadfully naive.

No one develops a coronary attack or stroke or peripheral vascular thrombosis or clot formation without a background of slow, insidious disease of the vessels. Until this fact is universally recognized, medicine will not advance beyond the cookbook style of “symptom” therapy. The greatest advance in preventive medicine lies in the medical community’s accepting this method of clearing the arteries of the deposits that close them BEFORE the symptoms, or attacks which make the disorder obvious to everybody. This is where chelation therapy has its greatest future.

An Example of Chelation
The word chelate comes from the Greek word “chele” meaning “to claw” (as a chicken). It refers to the way certain chemicals and body proteins can bind certain metallic ions that are positively charged to a negatively charged chelating agent. Most metals have a positive valence (electrical charge) of two. The chelating substance has negative charges of two that can combine with the positive ones of the metal and hold it fast in a pincers-like grip (as a claw). This combination or “chelate,” has entirely different properties from the metal alone or the chelating material alone. The binding of the metal is very sensitive to changes in temperature, acidity, metals, and other chemicals in the body. This means that although the metal is tightly held, a change in the above conditions can result in release of the metal and an exchange for another one, or binding of more or less the same metal. In this way, chelators naturally present in the body can pick up metals from one location, transport them to another, and rapidly release them when the local tissue factors change.

Iron and zinc are two important metals present in the body, and their transportation and migration in and out of cells are handled by the chelating process. The iron in hemoglobin, which is the pigment present in the red blood cells and is the oxygen carrier is an example of a chelated metal. In the plant world, chlorophyll, the green pigment that converts carbon dioxide and water into starch, is a chelate of magnesium.

This is a natural process and occurs in nature in many ways. It was not until 1942 that such chemical reactions were first discovered or explained and described by the biochemist. Now it is generally known and accepted that all the plant foods present in the soils are there in the chelated forms, and all the reactions such as we have just mentioned are chelated reactions. This method is widely used and certainly there is more research being done on it now than any other subject in biochemistry. A computer MEDLARS search of literature reveals over 3,500 articles have been written on this chemical process since 1966, as well as several books.

We believe very strongly in this method of therapy and feel it is a vital part of medicine of the future. That is why we believe so strongly in the “wholistic” approach to medicine. We must understand the whole person and also understand the cellular concept so we can understand the chemical reactions in the individual cells. I think this is very important, and medicine of the future lies with the doctors who truly understand the biochemistry of the human body because, after all, the human body is similar to a “biochemical” factory. Medicine of today, by necessity, is “bio-medicine.” Unless we know what is going on inside the cells, chemically speaking, we cannot do a good job in treatment of patients. For these reasons, I believe I have a right to my concept of medicine.

Chelation Therapy, A Natural Process
Let’s go back to what we said about electrical charges. Any element that has two or more positive electrical charges can be considered a metal for the purposes we are discussing. Calcium, usually thought of as a mineral, has two positive charges in its ionic form. Add the proper chelating agent, and calcium binds tightly to it and is excreted from the body through the kidneys.

As the inorganic calcium is removed from the blood by chelation, it will be pulled out of other metastatic areas to keep the blood level constant. The most readily available areas to supply this need are those where calcium has been abnormally deposited and where it is loosely bound. These sites are the inner walls of the blood vessels, heart, around tendons, joints, ligaments, the skin, kidneys, pancreas, and others. Thus, abnormal calcium deposits (inorganic) or calcification can be gradually reduced over a period of time because of these unique properties of chelating substances.

Calcium is not the only material that is present in the linings of the blood vessels in the disease of arteriosclerosis, but it does act as a cement-like binder, and when it is chelated out, the remaining material containing fatty substances, other minerals, and cholesterol are dissolved, metabolized by the liver, and excreted via the intestinal tract. As a result of the chelation of the plaque in the blood vessel, the lumen (space) of the blood vessel is greatly increased so that more blood can flow to the organs and tissues of the body. Even an extremely small increase in the diameter of this lumen will increase the flow through it by a much greater proportion. Thus, an increase of one millimeter in diameter of the lumen will permit a fourfold increase in flow to the organs and cells. That is the vital factor (Pousse’s Law).

It is unlikely that 100% removal of inorganic calcium is possible. However, we need only to increase the diameter of an artery by 25% to notice an appreciable improvement in blood flow. As the patient is being chelated, more and more calcium is removed until finally the calcium output (by examination of the urine) is returned to about the calcium baseline. As a result, clinical symptoms disappear, and the patient is greatly improved clinically.

People often ask the question, “Are we lowering the blood calcium?” No, the chelating process does not remove the blood calcium. The calcium that is chelated from the body is not the organic protein-bound calcium present in the bones and the teeth. So you have no reason to fear that chelation therapy will damage your bones or your teeth in any way.

We can now see that by copying nature’s technique of handling metals, an extremely valuable method has been devised to counteract directly the harmful effects of inorganic calcium deposits in the circulatory system. When combined with a proper nutritional program of live balanced foods and use of vitamins and supplements in the proper amount that will provide necessary stress-combating factors, we may begin to reverse the epidemic trend that cardiovascular disease has followed. Cardiovascular patients who have arteriosclerosis and have been diagnosed as being in need of bypass surgery should not be subjected to surgery until they have been given medical treatment such as chelation therapy. If this fails to improve the circulation, then we should by all means go ahead and do surgery, but medical treatment should be tried first.

Chelation treatment has been used successfully in such diverse diseases as angina pectoris, coronary arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, myocardial and coronary insufficiency, cerebral arteriosclerosis, hypertrophic arthritis, calcific tendonitis, calcific bursitis, hypertension, scleroderma, digitalis intoxication, calcinosis, arteriosclerosis obliterans, peripheral vascular insufficiency, intermittent claudication, aortic calcinosis, cerebral ischemia, diabetic retinopathy, emphysema, leg ulcers, gangrene, psoriasis, pityriasis, thrombophlebitis, hypoglycemia, heavy metal poisoning (lead, mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic), cerebral degeneration and other degenerative diseases.

The clinical results in the majority of cases have been very gratifying. I have treated many patients with diabetic gangrene and arteriosclerosis obliterans with resulting gangrene and have been able to prevent amputation of extremities. In my experience with over 18,000 patients and 400,000 chelation treatments, the end results are almost miraculous. In almost all cases, it has produced marked improvement in circulatory function.

Our idea of the future of medicine is medicine that incorporates the use of chelation therapy, enzymes, physical medicine (including electronics), magnetic medicine, proper body alignment, and proper nutrition, as well as all other modalities. It is my hope that young physicians, the doctors of the future, will understand the need for this and have open, inquisitive, and unbiased minds.

We try to do all we can to get the body in chemical balance and the correct ratios of the minerals one to another, as well as the monovalent and the divalent elements into correct ratio. One of the methods we use in our work is “The Hair Analysis” in which we determine the metal contents stored in the human body. We often find that lead, for example, in the bloodstream does not correspond with the lead that is present in the hair. Many patients who suffer from arthritis actually have a high lead content in the hair.

Practically every enzyme in the body has some small amount of metal involved in its chemical structure. The metal is bound in chelated form. Without the trace metal, the enzyme is inactive. We see then that chelation is a process vital to our proper function and survival. Remember that we said that the binding is subject to changes in the cellular environment. If the conditions are not exactly right, the metal will not bind correctly or at all, and the enzymes may again be inactivated.

In a similar way, excess amounts of other metals, perhaps more active chemically than the correct one, may replace the normal one in the protein structure and block the proper action of the enzyme. This is how excess lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, and other environmental poisons may cause damage to vital structures by blocking normal enzyme action. They work over a long period of time and the damage they cause may be mistakenly attributed to virus infection, senile degeneration, neurotic or psychotic illness, hardening of the arteries, and others. These chemicals can lower tissue resistance and actually increase susceptibility to infection with bacteria and viruses, and accelerate the aging process. Recognition of the wide variety of symptoms and disease states initiated by intoxication with heavy metals is essential if the proper treatment is to be used in time, before the conditions become irreversible.

Almost every patient has some abnormality in heavy metals, with lead, mercury, and aluminum usually being the highest. An imbalance or high metal finding will explain many symptoms that have plagued the patient for years. It is not unusual to find patients who have seen many physicians, specialists, psychiatrists, neurologists, etc., and end up being told that they are nervous. Yet the simple cure is to remove the high level of one or more heavy metals.

The potential long-term effects of lead exposure are just beginning to be realized, when it is appreciated that children are getting huge quantities into their bodies by playing in dirt and dust that is constantly exposed to the fallout from smog or winds carrying exhaust fumes from the nation’s highways, freeways, and industrial complexes. It may eventually be necessary, in order to survive, for our next generation to require periodic chelation treatment to de-lead their bodies. The absorption of lead and the deposition of calcium in abnormal locations are continuous throughout life so that true preventive therapy should involve chelation therapy at regular intervals to prevent too great a build-up in the arteries and other tissues.

Now that you can see what a valuable addition chelation can be to a comprehensive program of preventive medicine, you probably wonder why so few people (especially physicians) have even heard of it. One reason is that there is no multimillion dollar campaign going on to advertise it to the medical profession. The chelating agent is no longer patented. (Disodium-edetate was patented by Abbott, and the patent expired in 1969. Since it is on the free market, no one company has been willing to spend the money and time to further research the drug.) As usual, a great idea often lies dormant if there is no promotional push to let everyone know about it. Only the pharmaceutical companies and the government can afford to spend the millions of dollars necessary to bring it to the attention of the medical profession and support the tremendous amount of research needed to market a drug for a specific purpose.

Another question often asked is does this therapy prolong life. Yes, it will prolong life and give a much better quality of life. We have worked with it long enough to state this enthusiastically. This has also been proven by the work of many other physicians. It is with every assurance that we try to re-establish a new ray of hope for our patients so that they may again enjoy life to the fullest. No treatment is a panacea. This therapy is worth trying in any case in which the patient is suffering from hardening of the arteries. We are treating a problem that is common to almost every living person and is responsible for about 60% of deaths in America, according to the Department of Vital Statistics of the U.S. Public Health Service.

I feel that this therapy is only a step forward, although a big step. We have started something that will require a generation of dedicated workers, or this advance may go unnoticed for another generation. We must be prepared to experience condemnations and problems, as we are experiencing now and can expect in the future. The lesser-informed members of the medical community will be stubborn and the opposition will be unrelenting. You will find that it is the medical bureaucracy that will be hard to convince that we have something valuable to offer. It is in third party medicine you find those who want no part of preventive medicine, unless they can find a way for their multibillion-dollar institutional complex to profit by it.

Chelation therapy seems to offer a new direction for hope since it influences the basic pathology taking place. Let us hope it gets the serious attention it merits—for our own sake—and for the sake of those who may need it desperately—our children!

I feel that a dedicated group of doctors will accomplish an awakening of a new method of treatment that is long overdue. Millions of crippled and ill patients will derive great comfort from this treatment. I am personally dedicated to do all in my power to spread the word and help accomplish that purpose. In accomplishing my goal, I use the following twenty letters (ten two-letter words) as the motto for my life, and they are: “IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME.”

Reprinted from the Port Townsend Health Letter—Summer 1991

Jonathan Collin, MD: EDTA Intravenous Chelation Demonstrated Effective in Coronary Artery Disease by Electron Beam Tomography

DrCby Jonathan Collin, MD         

Reprinted from the Aug/Sept 2002 Townsend Letter with permission

Electron Beam Tomography (EBT) is a relatively new technique performed to evaluate the status of coronary artery disease. Available at an increasing number of university hospitals or affiliate institutions as well as at private, commercial radiology centers, EBT affords a relatively inexpensive and non-invasive means to assess calcification in the coronary arteries. Given the fact that atherosclerotic lesions contain at least 10% calcification and usually a greater percentage, EBT offers a definite alternative to a painful and sometimes risky angiogram procedure. Other techniques such as stress treadmill testing of the heart by electrocardiogram, thallium scan and ultrasound do not specify calcification of coronary arteries. While the cardiology community has reluctantly begun to consider this evaluation process, it offers the advantage that an individual can elect to obtain this screening without a doctor’s prescription; however, this generally means that health insurance will not reimburse it. (This was the case also when CT scans were introduced 2 decades earlier.) For many physicians involved in preventive and alternative medicine, EBT is an excellent screening procedure for younger men and middle-aged women to assess coronary artery disease risk.

It has been generally understood by cardiologists that atherosclerotic plaque formation is irreversible except in certain unusual circumstances. Well organized fibrotic plaque in the coronary arteries has been recognized to be a serious, life-threatening risk for myocardial infarction and other cardiac events. Although some reports were made in the last decade that lifestyle changes, dietary restriction and relaxation techniques were capable of reversing atherosclerotic disease (see work by Dean Ornish, MD), there has been little further confirmation of this work by other researchers. At some recent American Heart Association meetings, preliminary work has suggested that certain cholesterol-lowering agents, specifically “statin” drugs, have demonstrated some degree of atherosclerotic reversal. Nevertheless, these approaches remain preliminary. No medical treatments have been otherwise promising in reversing atherosclerotic heart disease. It has been the contention of chelation physicians that intravenous EDTA chelation has been effective in the treatment of atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. (A bibliography of references on the effectiveness of IV. EDTA chelation is available from the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM), phone 949-583-7666, fax 949-455-9679, web site: www.acam.org, email: acam@acam.org.)

At the American Biologics symposium in June, 2002 in Rhodes, Greece, H. Richard Casdorph, MD, PhD gave a presentation reviewing strategies employing nutritional and biochemical techniques to prevent heart disease. His presentation included data using EBT measurements on patients receiving intravenous EDTA chelation therapy. Patients under review were studied prior to receiving EDTA chelation; repeat EBT studies were made after receiving chelation treatment. The calcification scores were significantly reduced in post-chelation EBT studies. While this study is preliminary, it does provide evidence by objective measurement that intravenous EDTA chelation has a role in the reversal of atherosclerotic plaque. Dr. Casdorph’s work reminds us that the effectiveness of chelation in atherosclerosis may be questioned but it cannot be editorialized that no evidence exists for chelation effectiveness. We now have an excellent non-invasive and inexpensive tool to assess effectiveness of chelation therapy.

Jonathan Collin, MD: EDTA Chelation: Why Is It Being Denied Access To Victims of Heart Disease?

heart-1414885-639x650By Jonathan Collin, MD
Reprinted from the Townsend Letter with permission

In February, 1982, a revised insert was added to the Medicare Carriers Manual, stating “our decision not to cover Chelation therapy for the prevention or treatment of atherosclerosis is based on PHS’s findings that there is a lack of well-designed, controlled clinical trials of its effectiveness, and that the risks to health and safety attendant upon its use are a cause for concern.” EDTA is an FDA-approved drug. It is approved for the removal of metal ions in heavy metal poisoning. Normally, any use of an FDA-approved drug prescribed by a physician is covered…Why, then, is EDTA the “Exception to the rule?”

A clinical trial of effectiveness is based on statistics derived from use on human subjects over a period of time. Physicians using EDTA for atherosclerosis have recorded and documented an excess of 1000 reports, involving thousands of case studies and established without any doubt that EDTA Chelation improves circulation in atherosclerosis. Yet, red tape has consistently blocked its acceptance and use in treatment in the United States.

FDA Refuses to Examine Evidence
Normally, when a drug is observed to improve a major killing disease, there is a rush to research and approve the drug in order to make it immediately available to the victims of the disease. Why, then, is there such a sluggish response in the case of EDTA Chelation? As demonstrated by reference to existing scientific literature, EDTA therapy is a safe and effective treatment for atherosclerosis. In 1962, the FDA was required to examine the effectiveness of drugs marketed from 1938 to 1962, which included EDTA. As a result of the review, the FDA gave manufacturers the opportunity to submit evidence to support EDTA effectiveness in treatment of occlusive vascular disorders. The manufacturers of EDTA chose not to respond. However, the American Academy of Medical Preventics did respond. The Academy submitted reams of data on EDTA to the FDA, but the FDA refused to review the data! At a time when official concern for escalating health care costs is heightened, chelation therapy fits the criteria espoused officially for reducing costs. The therapy does not require hospitalization, or surgery, and the lasting effects of EDTA chelation equal or exceed those of alternate treatments. The FDA has received extensive documentation stating those conclusions. Yet, the FDA continues to effectively block the use and application of EDTA chelation. These critics of EDTA repeatedly refer to obsolete studies, written by scientists with little personal expertise in the use of EDTA for occlusive arterial disease.

Hundreds of thousands of coronary artery bypass surgical procedures have been performed without benefit of controlled studies to prove safety and effectiveness. Medical insurance companies, including Medicare, have traditionally paid for these very expensive surgical procedures without exception. The U.S. Public Health Service evaluated and recommended against the use of EDTA for the treatment of occlusive arterial disease. They based their conclusions on recommendations from cardiovascular surgeons, from the American Heart Association, and the American College of Cardiology, assuming that those groups represent experts in the field of EDTA therapy.

Politically powerful and traditional medical organizations have a vested interest in arterial bypass surgery. This is a $2 billion-a-year industry! Many hospitals depend on these procedures for financial stability and the surgeons derive their income from bypass surgery and related treatment. A successful cardiovascular surgeon earns up to $500,000 each year. Yet, these are the very people asked to evaluate the effectiveness of an alternative treatment. Is there any way the FDA can claim to have obtained an unbiased opinion?

Toxicology of EDTA: Are the Risks a Serious Cause for Concern?
Stedman’s Medical Dictionary defines toxicology as “the science of poisons—their source, chemical composition, action, tests, and antidotes.” Normally, one speaks of poisons as those chemicals, drugs, and biologicals that induce severe illness, bodily injury, and/or fatality. Examples are lye, arsenic, and cobra venom. These substances induce poisoning in minimal quantities.

One does not consider, usually, baking soda, aspirin, or adrenaline as poisons, at least in the relatively small dosages to which we are exposed. This brings up a key point of toxicology. That is, at what dosage, or concentration does a chemical begin to induce poisoning? For substances such as baking soda, the dose level has to be quite high before symptoms of illness begin. Indeed, there is a quantitatively defined level for each and every substance beyond which toxic reactions occur. Therefore, every substance has a point of toxicity; even such beneficial things as water and vitamins. EDTA chelation, then, has toxicity at some measurable level. The question arises, what is that level at which EDTA induces toxicity, and is that level relevant to the normal concentration used in an EDTA treatment program?

According to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal (9/82), the American Medical Association is quoted as stating in unconditional terms that EDTA chelation is dangerous. Let’s see how dangerous EDTA actually is in pure toxicological terms. Toxicology defines the lethal dose (LD50) as the concentration of a specified substance which will induce death in 50% of the organisms to which it is exposed. The LD50 is the official standard used in medical pharmacology to determine and define the lethal dose and compare it with (he drug’s effective dose, that is, the dose that is maximally beneficial. When the effective dose equals or is only slightly less than the LD50, there is only a minimal or no margin of safety between effective treatment and death. The drug digoxin (digitalis), used in treatment of heart failure, has an LD50 which is only five times greater than its effective dose. This means, for instance, if a patient is prescribed 0.25 mg. of digoxin, and the patient consumes 1.25 mg. of digoxin, he stands a reasonable chance of serious poisoning, and possibly death (at a dose only 5 times greater than the regularly prescribed level.) Thus, digoxin is a relatively dangerous medication. If the Wall Street Journal article’s premise is correct, that EDTA is dangerous, it is reasonable to expect that the comparative LDso safety margin of EDTA would be at least as bad, if not worse, than digoxin. In other words, in comparing two drugs, digoxin and EDTA, the safest drug is the one with the highest LD50 in relation to the effective dose.

In The Scientific Basis of EDTA Chelation Therapy by Bruce Halstead, M.D. (1979, Golden Quill Publishers, Colton, CA) reference is made to toxicological studies of Barnes (1964), Stecher (1968), Christensen (1974), and Catsch (1976). Using the rat as a testing animal, these investigators injected EDTA and other drugs or substances into the abdominal cavity. The LD50 was measured for each. The results are listed below:

LD50 Values for Drugs Injected in Rat
1. EDTA: 1900 milligrams per kilogram weight of the rat
2. Aspirin: 420 milligrams per kilogram weight of the rat
3. Digitoxin: 3.7 milligrams per kilogram weight of the rat
4. Tetracycline: 320 milligrams per kilogram weight of the rat
5. Ethyl alcohol (liquor): 1225 milligrams per kilogram weight of the rat

It is clear in this data that EDTA has a much higher lethal dose50 than the commonly used heart medication digitoxin, the pain remedy aspirin, and the antibiotic tetracycline. The opinion of the AMA fails to provide any new data on LD50 of EDTA that clearly demonstrates a dangerous toxicity (which is expected if EDTA is truly dangerous.)

A specifically named risk widely proclaimed by opponents of EDTA treatment is its possible toxicity to the kidney, known as nephrotoxicity. A comment can be made that all substances, as previously mentioned, have toxicity, including kidney toxicity. The risks of kidney toxicity are dependent on the level of the chemical in the body within a given length of time. In Halstead’s evaluation of EDTA chelation, nephrotoxicity is generally the “result of using dangerously high doses of the drug and too rapid a rate of infusion.” The protocol currently under use for EDTA chelation specifies maximal concentrations of EDTA, maximal frequency of infusion of EDTA, and provision for rest between treatments. Yes, kidney toxicity is a documented fact, as it is with many other beneficial drugs. But today, a case of kidney toxicity is very rare, because of the limited dose and frequency, and careful laboratory monitoring of the kidney and genito-urinary system.

Beyond the kidney dysfunction and toxicity, it is possible to experience transient symptoms such as post-treatment hypocalcemia (calcium drop), and some patients have complained of headaches, nausea, weakness, fatigue, anemia, and dermatitis, but these reactions are rare, and may be a result of element and vitamin deficiency. In terms of the actual chelation process, the risks of EDTA DO NOT POSE CAUSE FOR CONCERN.

The Joy of Chelation Therapy
Can any medical treatment be a joy, a pleasure? Not many, not even a few can claim such bliss. One treatment, however, may fill such a role. The process of EDTA chelation therapy is noticeably cheering to the patient. The method of chelation appears outwardly to be all-so-medical. An individual is plugged into an I.V. bottle containing EDTA in solution. Sitting for three to four hours, watching the liquid drip slowly into one’s arm is hardly entertainment! Or is it? Observing a group of patients receiving EDTA chelation in the doctor’s office is a remarkable experience. One sees live and gregarious activity, friendly discussion, sharing medical and personal experience, laughter, mutual and fraternal association and even new friendships. Of course, these are hallmarks of any group activity, but how many groups are centered around medical treatments? EDTA chelation is not a philosophy, an encounter group, nor a fraternal society. It is an AMA-approved treatment for lead poisoning. Moreover, it is a process for reversing atherosclerosis, the disease that clogs the arteries. That such a treatment is a joy is something observed in hundreds of offices throughout the U.S., including this one, on a daily basis. It is a celebration of hope.

What makes chelation a joy? The first and foremost concern is that EDTA is a drug, a chemical, and therefore certain to cause certain side effects and possibly a serious toxicity. Nothing could be further from the truth. Let’s look at sheer statistics. Bruce Halstead, M.D., has documented careful scientific studies of the toxicity of EDTA. On a scale of 1 to 10, where one is the most safe and ten is the most hazardous, EDTA ranks close to aspirin, about 2 to 3. A major heart medication derived from digitalis ranks 7 to 8. Doctors treating a certain disease may think nothing of prescribing a drug with a high toxicity, when its benefits outweigh the potential for harm, and when properly administered! We hear a lot of criticism about the toxicology of EDTA. There is no dispute that if EDTA is given in a dosage 100 times its normal prescription, it is harmful. But the same statement can be about digitalis, diuretics, pain medication, tranquilizers and sedatives, antibiotics, and even aspirin. So, while EDTA is a chemical, drug, it does not often cause side effects and rarely (very rarely) induces a serious toxicity. The same cannot be said for many commonly prescribed medications. For a patient on chelation therapy, experiencing no side effects or toxicity, this is a joy! Halstead cites that in the U.S. from 1970–1980, 100,000 patients received in excess of 2,000,000 treatments of EDTA chelation without any report of significant toxicity. For a “drug,” EDTA has certainly demonstrated a very effective record of safety.

One does not measure joy on the basis of escaping pain, however. How does EDTA chelation therapy produce joy? Reversing hardening of the arteries is one sure-fire way. EDTA treatment provides an increase m blood supply and oxygen delivery to tissues throughout the body. Such circulatory rejuvenation improves convalescence during heart attack and stroke; relieves symptoms of transient ischemic attacks (mini-strokes), angina and intermittent claudication of the extremities (pain on walking.) Work published by the International Association of Gerontology and Aging documents EDTA’s role in reversing the aging process by altering enzymes in the walls of the artery. Peer review literature in 1981–82 documents significant improvements in circulation through the carotid arteries and coronary arteries following chelation therapy (see Casdorph, H.R. in the Journal of the American Holistic Medical Association.)

Such studies carried out using the state-of-the-art cardiovascular tools via nuclear scanning techniques, defines objective evidence for the role EDTA plays in reversing atherosclerosis. When one can get up and walk several miles without experiencing any pain, this is joy. When one can play and work hard and cease to experience the incapacitating chest pain of angina, this is joy. Regaining memory and concentration thought to be long gone—this is joy. The joy is the change in relationships one shares with others following chelation therapy!

The Men and Women Who Prescribe Chelation
In terms of international medicine in 1982, EDTA chelation therapy is being practiced most openly in the United States. The EDTA treatment is very prominently at what Marilyn Ferguson (author of Aquarius Conspiracy, 1980) terms the leading edge of medical research. Already established as a treatment of atherosclerosis administered according to a medical protocol, it is under close scrutiny by expert researchers in several medical universities. Organizations supporting its use include the American Academy of Medical Preventics in Los Angeles, CA., the International Academy of Preventive Medicine in Kansas, the Northwest Academy of Preventive Medicine in Bellevue, WA, the American Holistic Medical Association in Virginia, and others. University related research was formerly carried out actively by Norman Clarke Sr, M.D., and Norman Clarke Jr, M.D., at the Detroit General Hospital in Detroit, Michigan. More recently John Olwin, M.D., Professor of Surgery at Rush Medical College in Chicago, has investigated chelation therapy. Other investigators performing university research are H. Richard Casdorph, M.D. of Long Beach, CA.; Bruce Halstead, M.D. of Colton, CA.; Lloyd Grumbles, M.D. of Philadelphia, PA. The National Institutes of Health and the American College of Cardiology have been requested by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to carry out a well-designed evaluation of EDTA over the next two years. It is appropriate, then, to devote some attention to those individuals prescribing chelation.

Bruce Halstead, M.D. is a premier researcher of marine toxicology. He is the sole author of a three-volume compendium exhaustively detailing the anatomy, physiology, and toxicology of marine organisms. Research exploration has brought him into medical consultation with more than 120 nations, including a rare consulting status with the first Soviet Medical School at Moscow and Vladivlostock. With an esteemed background in toxicology, Bruce Halstead has established a chelating medical practice in Loma Linda and, more recently, in Colton, CA. Halstead states in the preface of his book, The Scientific Basis of EDTA Chelation Therapy, “After having taken an extensive series of EDTA chelation/treatments, and having administered several thousand treatments to others, I have developed a deep appreciation of the clinical value of the therapy.”

In Chelation Therapy: How to Prevent or Reverse Hardening of the Arteries by Dr. Morton Walker, numerous chelating physicians are highlighted. H. Ray Evers, M.D., of Cottonwood, Alabama administered EDTA to Dr. George W. Frankel, M.D., Chief of E.N.T. of two Long Beach, CA, hospitals in 1971. The E.N.T. Chief observed his diabetic ulcers and gangrene clear up under The EDTA Chelation prescribed by Evers. Yiwen Y. Tang, M.D., F.A.B.F.P., of San Francisco, CA, chelated Roland 0. Hohnbaum, D.O., a Richmond, CA, chiropractor in 1975. The photographs of Hohnbaum’s feet before and after chelation are clear statements of medical reversal. Vascular surgeons advised Hohnbaum prior to chelation therapy to have his legs amputated. The illustrations reveal the elimination of the diabetic gangrene? The chiropractor was able to return to full-time work. Robert Vance, D.O., of Salt Lake City treated Dean Baxter, an executive of the Atlantic Richfield Oil Company of Houston in 1980. Dean was diagnosed by coronary angiography to have 10% blockage in one heart vessel, 90% blockage in two other major heart vessels. Dean turned down flatly orders given by several heart surgeons of Houston’s prestigious bypass surgery centers. Instead, he traveled to Utah and received a series of EDTA chelations. Post chelation radionuclide studies of the heart revealed major improvement of circulatory flow through the formerly blocked vessels. Baxter was given new medical orders to return to full activity and follow-up his dietary modifications. The doctors who ordered bypass surgery could not believe that chelation influenced this improvement! Harold Harper, M.D., of Los Angeles, CA., infused EDTA in a Houston physician suffering a heart attack in 1974. The patient, Lester Tavel, D.O., required electrical shock to restore his heart’s rhythm to normalcy, and the heart expanded, filling the chest. Enzymes demarking heart functioning were profoundly abnormal. Following a course of EDTA chelation given by Harper, Dr. Tavel was reexamined and found to have normal heart functioning.

Dr. Morton Walker narrates similar medical reports from chelating physicians Robert Rogers, M.D. of Melbourne. Florida; Sibyl W. Anderson, D.O. of Jenks, Oklahoma; Warren M. Levin, M.D., F.A.A.A.P., New York City; the late Carlos R Lamar, M.D., F.I.C.A., of San Juan, Puerto Rico; Charles Farr M.D., Ph.D., of Norman, Oklahoma; Garry F. Gordon, M.D., of Sacramento, CA; Gus Schreiber, M.D., of Dallas, Texas; Leo J. Bolles, M.D., of Bellevue, WA; William Mauer, M.D., of Zion, Illinois, and more.

One Doctor’s Office
Gone the sterile hushed atmosphere of the doctor’s office. No more urgent whispered voices of softly-stepping nurses hurrying on nursely errands. Take one moment to visit the office of Dr. Jonathan Collin, M.D., a practicing preventive medicine doctor, in Port Townsend, WA.

You park in front of a restored Victorian home, painted spring-fresh green with leaded windows, a winding brick walkway, and of course, a picket fence. As you pass through the gate, you already begin to relax as you admire the manicured lawn, and feast your eyes on the multi-colored flora. As you near the office door, you hear the hum of excited and happy voices. When you open the door, you are at least prepared for a new experience.

At the front desk reigns Jill, office manager, guru in charge of cheerfulness, decor, and prompt payment of your bill. In a homey room to the left are a couch, recliners, chairs, tables, and lots of good reading. If you have a heart problem, you are likely to spend a lot of time in this room; a not-so-unpleasant idea, considering that here is the source of the happy voices. And why are these folks so happy? After all, they are suffering from a serious and debilitating disease. Perhaps, there is a joy in the experience of receiving EDTA.

Reprinted from Heart Disease In Transition: A Medical Newsletter Written For The Patient

Trowbridge, MD: Stepping Into the Next 60 Years, A Historical Commentary

caduceus-1245442-639x903Chelation Therapy: Stepping Into the Next 60 Years A Historical Commentary
by John Parks Trowbridge, MD

To preview or purchase this as an audio lecture from an ICIM conference, click here

Reprinted from the May 2013 Townsend Letter with permission

Mind-body medicine, a term well known in medicine, has major roots in observations made in the 1960s by one of my lab directors at Stanford, George Solomon, MD. Intensive study of the “relaxation response,” “healing touch,” “acupuncture,” and similar “soft science” technologies has led to widespread acceptance in the medical and lay communities. At about the same time, startling observations were being made of reversals of increasingly prevalent coronary and peripheral vascular maladies by chelation therapy with intravenous EDTA. Despite “hard science” showing that these beneficial discoveries have been replicated time and again, chelation remains largely unknown or, at worst, vigorously defiled. Paul Dudley White, MD, President Eisenhower’s cardiologist, encountered similar resistance for over two decades to his introduction of the EKG. René Laënnec was more fortunate in securing wide acceptance of the scientific results available with his new “stethoscope” within a decade in the early 1800s. Given a world increasingly aware of pollution with toxic heavy metals, and given a population with younger onset of serious degenerative diseases, and given 60 years of overwhelmingly successful results, why have conventional medicine and regulatory government tossed chelation aside, onto the trash heap of so-called fraudulent diversions?

Going to the Dogs – and Nowhere Else?
What we now unquestioningly call “modern medicine” was largely invented since the late 1940s. Houston cardiovascular surgeon Denton Cooley, MD, studied pediatric procedures in postwar Europe, and his research efforts have saved countless children. Coronary endarterectomy was tried for occlusive disease, but most patients had diffuse involvement and were poorly qualified. Other partners of Houston cardiovascular surgeon Michael Debakey, MD, were Ed Garrett Sr., MD, and Jimmy Howell, MD. In the early 1960s, they were in the forefront of perfecting a technique of removing a peripheral vein and inserting it as an aortocoronary bypass on the heart … of dogs. Endless hours spent in the dog lab led to skills and procedures hitherto unknown. Other complementary technologies were arising at the same time, including selective coronary angiography (to identify and locate high-grade occlusion), the cardiopulmonary bypass “pump” (“heart/lung” machine), and startling advances in anesthesia and antibiosis. Still, the dogs were their only bypass “patients,” and their survival was not the object of the research.

Despite sharing with their cardiology colleagues the potential for success of their new surgical approach, no patients were forthcoming. Finally, cardiologist Ed Dennis, MD, endorsed a last-ditch effort to salvage patients moribund after their infarction. In 1964, Garrett led the team to perform the first successful coronary artery bypass procedure, at Baylor University. The early patients, already preterminal, failed to survive. With the prospect of revascularization too tantalizing to resist, stable patients with severe angina were then referred for surgery. The first two died. The third survived. And a new era of surgical success emerged.

But … Banished Forever to the Pound?
Intravenous EDTA chelation therapy was welcomed directly into patient practice in a most unusual way: in the emergency room. A child presented to the Georgetown University Hospital in 1952, clearly suffering with lead poisoning (from chewing paint off a window sill?). Pediatrician S. P. Bessman, MD, recalled a recent conference wherein neurology researcher Martin Rubin, PhD, described exchanging lead for calcium by a new “chelating” compound … in the test tube. “Can I use it in this kid? How do I dose it?” Serendipity led to clinical success and the child recovered. The case was reported in the Medical Annals, District of Columbia, later read by Norman E. Clarke Sr., MD, a cardiologist in Detroit. He was seeing plumbism (lead intoxication) in battery-factory workers, and thought to try this new chelation treatment. Soon, his patients were reporting less use of nitroglycerin, fewer angina pains, and increased activity without dyspnea. Why not, he thought, try this on “heart patients” who were not suffering with lead toxicity. They, too, dramatically improved with chelation. And a new era of medical success emerged … and was soon to be banished like an old dog.

The NIH TACT Results
Almost 60 years after the first discovery that EDTA chelation therapy could be effective in the treatment of heart and blood vessel diseases, results of the first large randomized double-blind trial were reported at the American Heart Association meeting in November 2012. A number of commentaries have identified “problems” with the 7-year-long National Institutes of Health (NIH) study, under the direction of cardiologist Gervasio Lamas, MD, of the Mt. Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, Florida. An 18% reduction of cardiovascular events in the entire treated group suggests a beneficial effect. However, one cadre accounted for substantial improvements: diabetic patients enjoyed a 39% decrease in adverse events compared with placebo (usual medical treatment) controls.

Given the increase in diabetes in the American population – including the younger age of onset for many victims – any treatment offering significant benefit should, in the best of possible worlds, be readily embraced.

Diabetic Complications
Research at the NIH in diabetics during the 1970s showed that normalization of blood sugars preserves endovascular and end-organ tissues, approaching the baseline health seen in normoglycemic populations. Over the past 30 years, there has been an alarming increase of obesity. Enlarging girth is often accompanied by the ominous signs of cardiometabolic syndrome, emphasizing the critical need for early and aggressive control of blood sugar. Nevertheless, ingrained societal patterns – including nutritional debasement in daily food selections – complicate efforts to achieve the lifestyle changes essential for nondrug hyperglycemic control. Drugs, of course, impose the risk of side effects and even hypoglycemic episodes, so many physicians are comfortable allowing patients to float with higher-than-normal fasting and postprandial patterns … and thus tolerating the commensurate development of occlusive changes affecting end organs.

Chronic renal dialysis is one of the most expensive repetitive procedures in modern medicine, and diabetics claim an inordinate volume of these resources. The NIH TACT trial excluded renal failure patterns in order to simplify data analysis. A seminal 2003 study by Lin and Lin-Tan, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, matched patients developing nondiabetic renal failure and carefully treated the intervention group with intravenous EDTA chelation. While the untreated observation group devolved toward dialysis, the treated patients improved toward normal kidney function, presumably due to reduction of lead in the kidneys. Many experienced chelation physicians have seen serum creatinine levels reduce over time in both their diabetic and nondiabetic patients, but a conclusive study remains to be done – and is sorely needed and could be done easily with pooled data.

Beyond Diabetes
Reports of chelation improvements in diabetics have been peppered throughout the medical literature over the past 50 years. In 1964, Carlos P. Lamar, MD, offered his diabetic patients a real chance at a more normal life, saving limbs scheduled for amputation, saving vision in those going blind, and lowering insulin dosages. Kansas City, Missouri, chelation specialists Ed W. McDonagh, DO, and Charles J. Rudolph, DO, PhD, were joined by research professional Emanuel Cheraskin, MD, DMD, to publish 31papers documenting their clinical practice experience over the 1980s and 1990s. Topics included significant improvements of vital importance to diabetics and nondiabetics alike: blood sugar, cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, kidney function and serum creatinine levels, artery blockage disease (even of the aorta), severe heart artery blockage, blockage of neck carotid arteries, hardening of the arteries, platelet clotting functions, fatigue, pulse rate and blood pressure, serum calcium and iron levels, trace element patterns in degenerative diseases, psychological status, and general “clinical change” (improvements) observed in chelation patients. Perhaps of more interest to many readersis the demonstrated reversal of macular degeneration (commonly seen in diabetics) reported by McDonagh and Rudolph’s group in 1994. Their evidence included retina photographs, documenting improvement consistent with increased circulation to the eyes. Pooled objective data from practicing ophthalmologists could easily document a pattern of improvement, offering hope where there is no other treatment.

Coronary Occlusive Disease
The “end organ” of most concern for diabetics and nondiabetics alike is the cardiac muscle. Heart disease “statistics” 60 years ago were generally reported as reduction in symptoms, in angina and infarction, and improvement in EKG patterns. For the past 20 years, we’ve had benefit of the ultrafast CT “heart scan,” helping outline the anatomy of calcified plaque in coronary vessels and allowing for earlier identification of those at risk. For over 50 years, selective coronary angiography has provided “a map for surgery” – but its extensive use in postoperative bypass patients has created an industry ripe for challenge as generally unnecessary and sometimes fallible. For almost 50 years, coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) has been shown to provide a life-saving alternative for those with significant diffuse disease or “left main” or “left anterior descending” artery occlusion. The 50-year-old technologies of coronary “ballooning” and “stenting” – now impregnated for drug elution – remain popular despite the frequency of restenosis or other complications. The question of whether ultrafast CT is suitable for documenting improvements with chelation remains elusive, since some symptomatically successful patients continue to show advancing calcium scores. Collateral channels are not readily seen in these pictures or even in angiograms, so perfusion studies with stress-and-rest thallium scans can be more revealing.

Salvage of cardiac muscle is the sine qua non of all interventions. Indeed, kinase infusions within the early hours of acute infarction have preserved countless organs with minimal or no damage. Various drugs have found popularity in the conventional cardiology community as possibly reducing or delaying development of coronary occlusions. These include, of course, the “statin” drugs and antithrombotics such as clopidogrel. A number of concerns have been raised regarding their extensive side effects, including interruption of physiologic biochemistry (such as with statins, impaired synthesis of vitamin D, bile acids, coenzyme Q10, and so on). Chelation avoids these challenges to normal functions. Further, chelation has greatest success when occlusion has not progressed to tight stenosis or to the point where unstable plaque threatens to block distal flow. Coronary angiography is still risky, especially with regard to vulnerable plaque. Additionally, it is limited in not being able to discern plaque reduction that yields very slight increases in cross-sectional vessel caliber, a situation wherein fluid dynamics produces a much greater increase in flow volumes. Once again, clinical improvement is one of the best measures of success.

So the question remains: besides lifestyle changes to minimize risks, what actual treatments could enhance myocardial salvage? The almost 60-year history of consistent reports suggests that EDTA chelation has already established itself as an unrecognized but viable alternative, with patient satisfaction and clinical improvements routinely in the 90% range in published studies.

EDTA Chelation and Cardiac Disease
Beginning with Clarke’s initial reports in 1955, anecdotal papers have repeatedly documented that “heart patients” improve with a wide variety of symptoms. Angina episodes, dyspnea on exertion, blood pressure elevations, rhythm disturbances, electrocardiogram patterns – all these were shown to improve in reports over the first 10 years. Other small group reports over the past 50 years have continued to confirm these early findings. The usual critique is that they involve a small number of patients or that double-blinding is absent. These criticisms, of course, ignore that proposed CABG surgery was canceled in the majority as no longer needed, and that people are still walking on limbs scheduled for amputation.

The importance of a nonsurgical alternative for coronary disease is highlighted by a recent report on war fighter deaths over 10 years in the Middle East. Autopsies on 3832 service members, killed at an average age of 26, showed that almost 9% had some blockage forming in their heart arteries. About a quarter of these had severe blockage, yet they were asymptomatic and deployed into combat. As more sensitive diagnostic modalities are developed and widely employed, an increasing percentage of the population will “qualify” for treatment of their clinically silent diseases. In such cases, early and consistent use of chelation might dramatically lower medical care costs while improving overall health outcomes.

Anatomy vs. Microphysiology
Perhaps of greatest interest is the effort to understand why – or how – EDTA chelation is responsible for such dramatic cardiac (and other) benefits. Borrowing from the engineering concept of “opening the pipes,” such as with bypass or stenting, early explanations focused on a “Roto-Rooter” effect of “dissolving” the atherosclerotic blockage. While this effect has been observed and documented in some chelation patients over the years, such a view is probably severely limited.

Much more likely is that chelation acts in just exactly the way that it is “approved” by the Food and Drug Administration: it reduces the body burden of toxic heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and so on. Sadly, the conventional medical community sets the standards and those lab parameters are for acute intoxication (as reflected in blood levels) rather than for total body burden (as reflected in hair or nail clippings or by collecting urine after challenging with a chelating drug). Since the “acute exposure” tests fail to “show toxicity,” insurance carriers decline claims for reimbursement.

The significance of reducing toxic metals cannot be overstated. But the mechanisms by which this result could produce dramatic improvements remain open to rampant speculation.

An early explanation suggested that, in states of impaired antioxidant levels, cholesterol serves as an electron sponge to help protect the endothelium. Oxidized cholesterol, being a “sticky” molecule, then deposits along the vessel margin, especially at sites of branching or disrupted flow. Having a weak activity similar to that of vitamin D, oxidized cholesterol invites calcium to be deposited in a noncovalent binding. Over time, accretion of more cholesterol, calcium, and cellular detritus results in a discrete volume of occlusive plaque, subintimal and medial. Pathologist Rudolph Virchow, MD, called this metastatic calcium, since it was out of the bones and teeth but not bonded in place. Accordingly, EDTA was thought to “pinch” these available calcium atoms and thereby initiate dismantling and dissolution of the plaque. A more sophisticated view might relate to lowering of ionized calcium in circulation, stimulating release of parathyroid hormone, leading indirectly to mobilization of “releasable” calcium in hardened plaque and body tissues.

One fascinating result of such speculation is the inclusion of calcium as a toxic element when it is abnormally deposited in organs through a variety of aging and degeneration mechanisms. While babies are “soft and rubbery,” aging individuals are increasingly hardened and brittle. This one feature – reduction of metastatic calcium depositions, peppered throughout organelles and cells and interstitium as well as in plaque – might be “the key” to results with intravenous EDTA chelation. This speculation receives support from the realization that “sick mitochondria” accumulate excessive calcium and swell (especially in magnesium deficiency), disrupting the stereochemical alignment of the electron transport chain on the cristae shelves, markedly reducing the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation and, hence, the health of the cell. One way that mitochondria “get sick” is through the selective deposition of lead and other heavy metals, disrupting mitochondrial DNA expression as well as energy production. Reversal of these mitochondrial modifications could explain many (if not most) of the clinical improvements demonstrated with EDTA treatments.

Chelation patients often report significant symptom improvement within the first half-dozen or dozen treatments, long before a major improvement in blood flow “through the pipes” is likely. When reviewing organ failings – as seen with liver, kidneys, and brain in addition to heart – such mitochondrial inefficiency might be a primary mechanism. Similarly, removal of toxic heavy metals by chelation is much more biologically cost effective than the body’s detoxification effort that leads to depletion of intracellular glutathione. Thus, chelation can help to preserve cellular antioxidant status and a more robust ability to regenerate vitamins C and E as electron donors.

Recall also that all other toxic metals are accumulating throughout the tissues as well – mercury, lead, cadmium, arsenic, and so on – with their separate contributions to free radical production and functional impairment. Iron is an essential element that can be present in excess (iron “storage” disorders, even polycythemia), where it also stimulates the generation of free radicals, which are especially toxic in metabolically active tissues such as liver and heart. Jukka T. Salonen, MD, PhD, MScPH, of Finland, reported in 1992 a large prospective study of men with no symptoms of heart disease. Over the next 3 years, the lifetime total of cigarettes smoked was the primary risk factor in those suffering myocardial infarction. The second factor was an elevated blood ferritin level (possibly correlated with a shift toward tissue acidosis). This provides an easy laboratory test to discover those at higher risk – levels rising higher above 100 ng/ml are directly associated with an increasing incidence of coronary events. The iron story is, however, complicated, and ferritin only slowly declines over dozens of EDTA chelation treatments.

A side issue is coming to the forefront: the expanding use of injectable diagnostic imaging contrast agents, such as gadolinium, iron (Feridex), and manganese (Teslascan). Urinary challenge tests with D-penicillamine in some patients have shown very high excretion levels of gadolinium. The clinical significance of these findings is unclear, but the use of chelation treatments in patients who have had repeated contrast studies might prove valuable. Gadolinium use has been linked to onset ofnephrogenic systemic fibrosis.

Another factor deserving study is the effect that chelation might have on the improvement of tissue perfusion by reducing constriction of the tiniest arterioles, which serve as a large bed of peripheral resistance vessels. Where increased arteriolar resistance opposes the systolic pressure, relaxation of these “flow-limiter” muscles can raise tissue perfusion volume considerably. Increasingly sensitive vascular lab studies and digital thermography are two inexpensive and noninvasive methods that can be used to document improved perfusion.

McDonagh and Rudolph, among others, have shown that chelation produces a more normal reduced platelet volume and increased pliability. Ease of flow through capillary beds provides increased perfusion and oxygenation help to maintain normal tissue alkalinization. Reduction of acidotic microenvironments slows the production of free-floating single fibrin fibrils from fibrinogen, further lowering viscosity in the narrow capillaries. Any combination of these microphysiologic changes could explain improved tissue viability and marked improvement in clinical symptoms and organ function.

Peripheral Vascular Disease
Being listed as a “labeled indication” by the Food and Drug Administration usually allows for insurance approval and reimbursement of treatment for a particular condition. Few people know that EDTA was listed in late-1950s editions of the Physician’s Desk Reference (PDR) as “indicated” for the treatment of peripheral vascular disease. A study with about half a dozen patients showing marked improvement had led to labeling approval. Then came the 1962 Kefauver-Harris Amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, requiring a review of both safety and efficacy in the approval process. When studies were considered insufficient to conform to the new standards, the indication was dropped from the label.

While early studies concentrated on cardiac improvements, concurrent benefits for occluding leg arteries attracted attention. Carlos P. Lamar, MD, in 1964 reported on legs saved from amputation. H. Richard Casdorph, MD, and Charles H. Farr, MD, PhD, confirmed these improvements in a small series in 1983, as did James P. Carter, MD, DrPH, and Efrain Olszewer, MD, in a double-blinded study published in the Journal of the National Medical Association in 1990. McDonagh and Rudolph in the 1980s documented marked enhancement of the ankle/brachial index in 117 patients with occlusive disease. Carter and Olszewer reported in 1988 on a 28-month retrospective analysis of 2870 patients treated with intravenous EDTA: peripheral arterial disease patients showed marked improvement in 91% and good improvement in another 8%. Given that surgical success is lessened with smaller vessels and when near or crossing joints, chelation as a nonsurgical alternative offers hope to thousands.

Thermography specialist Philip P. Hoekstra III, PhD, reported privately to me in 2009 the results of his 13-year study of 19,147 patients with peripheral (leg and arm) artery stenosis, not yet severe enough to require amputation. Arterial perfusion of all extremities demonstrated significant “warming”in 86% of chelated patients.

Carotid Arteries
Carotid arteries act as a special case of the peripheral vascular bed – and their improvements with chelation have been documented repeatedly. Rudolph and McDonagh described in 1991 the striking and highly significant reversal of atherosclerotic stenosis of bothinternal carotid arteries in 30 patients treated with only 30 EDTA infusions over a 10-month period. Ultrasound imaging showed that overall obstruction was decreasedby 21% – and those who showed more severestenosis had even greater reductionof blockage. Their study had been planned after their 1990 case report of one patient having an original 98% occlusion reduced to only 33% after just 30 chelation therapy treatments. Given that strokes can occur as a complication of otherwise successful carotid endarterectomy, chelation can reduce such misadventures for many. Where surgical intervention is warranted, pretreatment with chelation theoretically can improve the postoperative result. Again, more sophisticated equipment can allow easy, inexpensive, and noninvasive documentation of improvement.

Intracranial circulation responds less well. Casdorph in 1981 documented marked improvement in brain arterial flow in a small series of patients. Carter and Olszewer’s 1988 retrospective review showed markedimprovement in 24% and goodimprovement in 30% of patients with cerebrovascular and other degenerative brain diseases. Surprising results are possible. One patient presented to me 18 months poststroke, still severely limited despite constant physical therapy. After 8 chelation treatments, he proudly showed that he could walk down the hall with an assistant holding his belt in the back, and he described having gotten into and out of the tub (with assist) for the first time since his CVA. “Small-vessel ischemic disease,” with or without dementia changes, generally shows stabilization or some improvement. Alzheimer’s dementia, especially when associated with significant toxic heavy metal patterns, can show encouraging benefits when treated early with chelation.

A Potpourri of Problems
Macular degeneration is a special case of vascular supply directly to a central nerve. Direct ophthalmic observation can show gradual deterioration … and gradual improvements. The most rewarding part, though, is having a patient resume reading or once again being able to thread a needle. I asked one patient, who received several dozen chelation treatments, to read this note on a chart cover: “PATIENT IS LEGALLY BLIND.” I then asked him to read whose chart … “Why, that’s mine!” Without glasses.

Atrial fibrillation is the most common arrhythmia, and its frequency elevates with advancing age. The risk of stroke increases considerably, so rhythm control has benefits beyond rising perfusion efficiency. Alfred Soffer, MD, reported on chelation for various heart rhythm disturbances in his 1964 monograph; results were variable but promising. Long-experienced chelation physicians have their anecdotal stories of patients reverting to and maintaining sinus rhythm.

Cardiac valvular sclerosis, sometimes proceeding to calcific stenosis restricting flow and allowing regurgitation, is a troubling problem. Although new percutaneous operations (using technology similar to angiography) are growing in popularity, their risks and success rates are still being evaluated. Theoretically, the decalcifying effect of EDTA chelation therapy should slow (perhaps even reverse?) sclerotic-to-stenotic change. At the very least, chelation should be expected to aid the intended surgical result by increasing the pliability of tissues. Neither angiography nor echocardiography is yet sensitive enough to detect slight reductions in calcium deposits.

Scleroderma is another special case, where distinctive arteriolar changes (in all organs but especially the skin) are associated with autoimmune patterns. Raynaud’s phenomenon appears to be prodromal in many patients. Conventional medications are often frustrating, and the addition of EDTA chelation therapy has been quite successful for many patients. Similarly, other autoimmune patterns – rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus – have shown promising improvements with chelation. Benefits with “fibromyalgia” have routinely been reported by patients. These observations raise speculation that EDTA might be affecting membrane pathology, possibly related to or amplified by toxic heavy metals – induced through the mechanism of free radical attack? D-penicillamine, loosely called a “chelator” but acting by means of paired thiol groups, has long been used in conventional medicine to help with scleroderma and rheumatoid patterns.

Mitochondrial pathology has been recognized in many forms over the past decade, but the contribution of toxic heavy metals has been poorly appreciated. In the 1990s, laboratory studies by the Environmental Protection Agency showed startling changes in mitochondrial protein production seen in isolated organelles after exposure to “physiologic” levels of lead. Research into toxic heavy metal effects on mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear membranes, and cell-limiting membranes might offer the most fruitful future explanations for pathology and chelation benefits – but the laboratory funding required would be substantial.

Along Came A Spider …
A little-known effect of chelation is to neutralize biological venoms from snakes, spiders, scorpions, and the like. These poisons are a mixture of metalloenzymes, and inactivation occurs with displacement or removal of the critical metal cation. Appropriate research could lead to treatment protocols (intravenous, oral, topical) far more effective – and dramatically less expensive – than current antivenom preparations, which can cost thousands of dollars.

Venoms, as metalloenzymes, bring up a whole realm of possible treatments aimed at specific induction and function of enzymes throughout the body. In perhaps a third of instances, physiologic cations (magnesium, zinc, iron, manganese, molybdenum, copper, others) are positioned in the active site and help establish the functional conformation of the protein. As research shows which enzyme clusters are more sensitive to inhibition by toxic heavy metals displacing the expected cation, the prospect of targeted chelation could become a reality. One factor complicating targeted treatment is that chelators need to penetrate through the interstitial space into the cytoplasm and into mitochondria and even into the nuclear space. Similar concerns arise with penetrating the blood–brain barrier. Nanoparticle delivery systems, being developed for targeted chemotherapy, might be designed to enhance chelation efficiency at the “end-organelle” level rather than merely the “end-organ.” Again, laboratory and clinical expenses could be a major barrier.

Nutritional physiology is still poorly understood, and studies might reveal new ways to increase the benefits of chelation treatments. Mildred S. Seelig, MD, MPH, confirmed in the 1980s that higher blood levels of magnesium are correlated with reduced complications of myocardial infarction. Chelation therapists have long added extra magnesium to intravenous EDTA in order to amplify many of the cardiovascular benefits of treatment. Realizing that lower magnesium levels are common in diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cardiomyopathy, and a panoply of other pathologies opens an interesting door: what minerals (and vitamins), when supplemented specifically, might enhance the effectiveness of chelation treatments in particular clinical settings? Incidentally, in patients who appear to have an “allergic” reaction to a chelating drug, supplementation with molybdenum might blunt that response for the future.

Stem cell implants offer special considerations here – could they be more effective when combined with certain minerals … or after bathing in selective chelation solutions? Rotifers are primitive multicellular microscopic waterborne “animals” that accumulate calcium over their lifespan. Alfred M. Sincock, PhD, reported in 1975 on almost doubling the lifespan by bathing the organisms in various calcium-binding chelators. Similarly, the length of DNA telomeres – hence, the potential number of cell replications before genetic losses – might also be preserved by chelation treatments. The possible interactions of hormones and EDTA or other chelators is a field ripe for investigation. These cell physiology studies are technical and expensive, but the benefits might be unexpectedly rewarding.

Cost/Benefit Comparisons
Given the socioeconomic impact of medical and health choices, no discussion is complete without highlighting the “competing therapies” for cardiovascular and other diseases. Chelation treatments reasonably cost about $5 to $10,000 to produce outstanding benefit for about 90% of patients with coronary, carotid, or peripheral vascular disease. Or all three at the same time. While surgery addresses only a few inches of “blockage” with each operation, chelation works throughout the body – a real bargain for the majority of patients, who have diffuse disease. Charges for CABG range about $75 to $150,000 – for each operation – assuming no serious complications requiring extended hospitalization. A small but certain percentage of bypass patients (perhaps 2% to 3% or more, depending on many factors, especially comorbidities or more profound blockage) never return home. Many patients suffer with postoperative morbidity, including myocardial infarction, stroke, rhythm disturbances, worsening high blood pressure, and neurocognitive changes (“pump syndrome”). Repeat operations are frustratingly common, often within 10 years. (If it worked so well the first time, why is another operation needed?) Aorta and peripheral vascular operations usually cost one-third to one-half of heart bypass procedures. Balloon angioplasty and stenting are increasingly popular (with a failure rate of about 5%), reducing the need for open surgery of the chest or limbs except for those with critical ischemia. Perhaps 20% of patients require repeated angioplasty procedures, dramatically changing the cost profiles with each session ranging from about $30 to $50,000. L. Terry Chappell, MD, and John P. Stahl, MD, in 1993 published a meta-analysis of 19 carefully qualifying studies, concluding that almost 90% of cardiovascular patients showed objective clinical improvements. The savings possible with the early choice of chelation rather than the later choice of repeated operations will become increasingly important for an aging population.

Intracranial small vessel ischemic disease is virtually untreatable by conventional means, so even slight improvements with chelation therapy are a bargain at any price. Similarly, degenerative patterns such as scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis, macular degeneration, distal peripheral arterial occlusion, and nondiabetic chronic renal failure are poorly treated with traditional approaches, making chelation appealing and very cost effective. Perhaps the “greatest value” is seen in vague or poorly diagnosable medical conditions – including fatigue, asthenia, delayed healing, a sense of “unwellness,” multiple sclerosis – wherein chelation can provide benefits not seen with aggressive drug treatments or even surgery. Stubborn infectious diseases, such as Lyme disease or even MRSA, can show improvement with chelation. While the mechanisms of action often remain obscure, the clinical benefits can be quite obvious in patients’ lives. A “chelation registry” might document improvements across a broad range of pathologies, but the effort would be expensive and likely of little value in convincing skeptics.

One other factor should be addressed: cancer prevention. Walter Blumer, MD, in Switzerland reported his experience in 1980 with calcium EDTA intravenous treatments administered over 10 years, showing a 90% reduction in cancer incidence in the 59 patients. His follow-up report showed a 90% reduction in cancer deaths over 18 years, compared with the untreated controls similarly exposed to lead from automobile exhaust, industrial pollution, and other carcinogens. When treating heart and vascular disease, magnesium EDTA is preferred, in order to “mobilize calcium and reduce blockage.” In a private communication related to me by Garry Gordon, DO, MD(H), Blumer noted that his patients “didn’t suffer with heart attacks.” These delightful results are most likely related to removal of toxic heavy metals, since calcium EDTA does not perturb ionized calcium levels, but unknown effects of EDTA might contribute as well. Considering that cancers of all cell types are the third leading cause of death in the US, what could be the true prevention benefit when the cost of chelation treatment is compared with that of traditional oncology care?

Any review of environmental toxic metal exposures shows the alarming explosion of pollution concentrating up the food chains in the biosphere. One area where unexpected progress is coming is with mercury exposure from dental amalgams. The just-completed World Mercury Treaty, a three-year project of the World Health Organization, proposes that countries completely phase out their reliance on mercury restorations in both children and adults. Controversial studies have related mercury to autism and Alzheimer’s dementia, among other problems. The startling fact is that many adults are unknowingly carrying around their primary source of the world’s most potent neurotoxin, in their “fillings” or root canals. This raises the specter of worsening environmental pollution through the water effluent from dental offices as these restorations are replaced, because mercury scavenging units – to be disposed of as biohazard waste – are not yet in widespread use. Boyd Haley, PhD, emeritus chair of chemistry at the University of Kentucky, assures us that newer chelating compounds are in development and that they could be used not only orally in humans but also to remediate mercury-contaminated rivers and bodies of water.

Blumer’s study, among others, provokes a critical question: If removal of toxic heavy metals is the most important factor in producing clinical results, how much can be accomplished by using oral “chelating” drugs, alone or in combination with intravenous chelation? Oral administration is much easier, has fewer risks, and can be applied across broad populations, especially in a preventive context or to address early pathophysiology. Since 1995, I’ve used customized combined programs of oral chelators along with intravenous EDTA. Our early studies suggested more rapid reductions in the body burden of toxic heavy metals. Further research into dithiol compounds as well as classical chelators might be very cost effective and exceptionally fruitful. If taste-enhancing technology can mask the noxious sulfur aroma of oral chelators, the potential exists for design of prescription “chelator foods,” vastly expanding the access for this treatment approach. These would be “drug-supplemented” foods, not merely sulfur-rich onions and garlic.

Some Final Thoughts
The great majority of our “medical” problems are directly related to “personal health choices,” known as lifestyle issues: tobacco use, alcohol excess, caloric surplus, nutritionally bereft foods, poor choice of food variety, sedentary habits, dental deterioration, limited sleep, unlimited stress, and so on. Unsuspected toxic heavy metal and chemical exposures challenge our organ performance at a rapidly expanding pace. Where personal responsibility fails to minimize our survival threats, what should be the societal commitment of resources to restore function and comfort?

The future face of medical care is difficult to predict. An enlarging patient base in the US poses increasing financial demands on already stressed budgets. Technological advances can be expected in virtually every arena, from diagnostic testing through treatment planning. CT scans, MRIs, and PET scans have sharpened our accuracy and understanding to allow earlier diagnosis and treatment, for better outcomes and longer survival. Same-day surgicenters and endoscopic procedures dramatically reduced the costs associated with many common procedures, such as cholecystectomy and most knee repairs. Will the changes still to come bring similar cost savings or will they, like organ transplant procedures, impose greater economic strains on a nation unprepared to ration “high-tech” care?

Victor Fuchs, PhD, in his seminal book Who Shall Live?, claimed in 1974 that we must deliver the very best care to the president because of his critical position in the society – but he cautioned that we simply cannot afford to deliver “presidential medicine” to the people. Just because we can do it – CABG surgery, angioplasty, total joint replacement, organ transplants – challenges us with the ethical question of whether we should do it. Or do it for some but not for others. Or do it for younger adults but not for “the elderly.” The reasonable cost and minimal resources required to offer chelation therapy “to the masses” suggest that this largely ignored treatment might soon evolve to play central roles in both preventive and therapeutic spheres in our emerging care system.

Gerber, MD: Thirty Years of Progress in Cardiovascular Health

dr-michael-gerberby Michael Gerber, MD, HMD, MD (H)
Reprinted from the February/March 2006 Townsend Letter with permission

We are living during an exciting time in the evolution of medical practice. Building upon our medical school understanding of heart disease, drug therapeutics, and surgical interventions, we can now add a vast armamentarium of relatively non-toxic therapies to prevent and reverse our country’s number one killer: heart disease. Our medical world is made more difficult by insurance providers who restrict access to integrative medical care and by legislators and regulatory boards, who are becoming more responsive to the popular demand for complimentary care and yet are still unsure of what these practices mean in terms of patient safety and efficacy. It is now more important than ever to reach out to the medical community and promote a healthy dialog. Medical practitioners should all attend each other’s conventions and become more integrative for humanity’s sake.

A lot has happened in cardiovascular health since my first experience with EDTA chelation in 1976. After going to an American Academy of Medical Preventics convention – now called, the American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM) – and rubbing shoulders with the pioneering greats of Garry and Ross Gordon, Harold Harper, Robert Vance, Ed McDonaugh, and others, I went home, underwent a proper work-up for chelation by another AAMPS doctor, and began a series of intravenous (IV) chelations. I immediately felt sensations in my head as if I had more blood flow, and I noticed a big improvement in my memory. Names, phone numbers, scientific articles and their authors’ names jumped into my mind much more quickly. As time rolled on, I learned about heavy metals and their relationship to disease. Certainly the 13 large, mercury amalgam fillings (placed in my teeth when I was a college freshman) that out-gassed mercury with every sip of hot liquid and every bite of food weren’t helping my brain. Memories of my grandfather in four-point restraints in the state mental hospital during the last years of his life — swearing violence to the staff and his grandchildren, whom he’d taught to hunt and fish — filled me with worries about my genetic heritage of senile dementia. I soon learned that I was reversing the aging and disease process with chelation by removing the metals that led to arteriosclerosis. This was a revolutionary, evolutionary process, and it was just the beginning.

Thirty years later, after performing many thousands of chelation treatments, my respect for chelation therapy has only grown. Chelation therapy is clearly an indispensable part of a comprehensive vascular treatment program. The increase in our understanding of the importance of identifying and treating other sources of inflammation, toxicity, and infection that effect vascular disease has been dazzling. Treatments that support the vascular system health have emerged from a myriad of disciplines, including herbal therapy, homeopathy, nutrition, enzyme therapy, dental detoxification, Chinese medicine, neural therapy, isopathic therapy, far infrared sauna therapy, oxidative therapies, intravenous phospholipid exchange, new surgical approaches, umbilical cord blood stem cell therapy, RNA therapy, extracorporeal counterpulsation therapy (ECCP), Laser Energetic Detoxification, EMF avoidance and Bau Biology cleanup, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, blood rheology assessment, blood clotting assessment, genetic assessment, neurotransmitter assessment, exercise program supervision, cranial/sacral therapy, chiropractic therapy, mental/emotional detoxification, drug therapy and drug detoxification, organic diet counseling, toxic foods and products-avoidance counseling, water purification counseling, and many more.

Chelation History
Chelation therapy can be traced back to 1938, when a German chemist, identified as F. Munz, first synthesized ethylene diaminetetraacidic acid (EDTA). Herr Munz was working for Hochst, Farbwerke, Frankfort, a member company of the I.G. Farbenindustrie. He developed EDTA for the purpose of removing calcium from the water in textile plants so their mordant dyes wouldn’t stain when contacting hard water. Martin Rubin, et al, first used EDTA in the United States in 1950 for the treatment of patients with lead toxicity, who had been working in a battery factory in Michigan. When treating a patient with lead poisoning, who, coincidentally, also had coronary artery disease and angina pectoris, Norman E. Clarke observed that the patient’s symptoms of angina pectoris disappeared. In standard medical school curricula, EDTA is still the agent of choice in lead and other heavy metals poisoning as well as in the treatment of hypercalcemia. Norman E. Clarke, MD, conducted the first trials using intravenous EDTA for vascular disease in Detroit. He achieved good results, which he published in 1956 in the American Journal of Medical Science. He later published the results of 283 more patients in 1960.1-2 Like many medical innovators, he encountered resistance from the medical establishment over EDTA. Nevertheless, dozens of physicians were convinced of the efficacy of treating cardiovascular disease (CVD) with chelation. They spent years refining safe dosage protocols and established the aforementioned American Academy of Medical Preventics in 1973.

Human Studies in Chelation Therapy
Since that time many landmark studies have been published that provide data supporting the safety and benefits of using chelation therapy in humans. In 1993, Drs. L. Terry Chappell and John P. Stahl published their excellent paper of the meta-analysis of 22,765 patients who had taken EDTA chelation therapy. They had to leave out several highly positive papers because of the design of the study, and yet they found a .88 highly positive correlation coefficient. Eighty-seven percent of the patients included in the meta-analysis demonstrated clinical improvement by objective testing.3

Majid Ali, et. al, showed improved myocardial perfusion in a study of 26 patients with advanced ischemic heart disease, and a 91% overall improvement in their symptoms after chelation therapy with nutritional supplements and dietary counseling.4

C.J. Rudolph and E.W. McDonaugh, along with Emanuel Cheraskin, measured improvements in carotid artery stenosis by ultrasound measurements of 30 patients before and after 30 chelations. Patients with mild disease had an intra-arterial diameter increase of 20.9 % +/- 2.3%. Those with greater than 33% stenosis averaged 35.0% +/-4.3 % decreased obstruction. Applying Poiseuille’s Law of fluid dynamics, this improvement leads to an average of 620% improvement in blood flow. No side effects from the treatments were evident at follow up.5

Claus Hancke and KnuteFlytlie published a retrospective study of EDTA chelation in 470 patients and found through mostly objective measures an 80% to 91% improvement, depending on the parameter. Of 92 patients referred for surgical intervention, only ten required surgery after or during their chelation therapy. Of 65 patients referred for bypass, 58 did not require it after chelation therapy. In the claudication group, 24 of 27 patients scheduled for amputation were spared following chelation therapy. Of 207 patients using nitroglycerine, 189 reduced their consumption with most able to discontinue it altogether. Angina improved in 91% of patients and claudication patients walking distance improved an average of 88%. Some of these patients could walk several miles without pain. No morbidity or serious side effects due to the treatment were reported.6

In 1985, Efrain Olszewer, MD, and James Carter, MD, published a study in Medical Hypotheses of 2870 patients in Sao Paulo, Brazil treated with 81,000 chelations for their coronary artery disease. They found marked improvement in 76.89% of patients, with 16.58% having good improvement and 3.79% moderate improvement. Only 2.5% of patients were unchanged and .1% became worse, with associations of heart failure.7

H. Richard Casdorph and Charles Farr, both MD-PhD’s, published a little gem in 1983 that concerned four patients with gangrenous extremities scheduled for amputation. All four cases were resolved without amputation after chelation therapy. Two patients were diagnosed diabetics and suffered small vessel disease, and one patient was post-occlusion of a femoral-popliteal bypass graft.8 I will say that saving an extremity from amputation for the first time has a profound impact on the doctor as well as the patient.

For the convenience of the reader, I have collected these previous articles in their entirety and 15 other important articles on EDTA chelation therapy in humans. These articles contain more history, mechanisms of action, and extensive, invaluable bibliographies. These are available from my office and soon will be on my website.3-23 It is important to note one double-blind study done by Sloth-Nielsen and others, Danish cardiovascular surgeons, on peripheral vascular disease. This study shows a negative outcome of chelation therapy.29. Two rebuttals30-31 of this study were published noting that 29 of the patients studied were smokers (and most continued to smoke), and magnesium EDTA was not used. The patients were also given iron tablets, which would decrease the anti-oxidant value of the therapy. The outcome data also appeared to had been unfairly manipulated.

Causes of Vascular Disease
With proper counseling and treatment, we should be able to avoid vascular problems. We inherit heavy metals from our mothers and fathers and absorb them from the air we breathe and the foods and drugs we consume. We can minimize this damage by avoiding exposures and using the appropriate chelation substances such as EDTA, DMPS, DMSA, penicilliamine, and other non-drug chelators preventatively. The environmental and lifestyle causes of vascular disease are myriad and require a multifaceted approach for optimum prevention and treatment. Nutritionally depleted and toxic foods, including excessive sugar, refined foods and trans fat; tobacco, alcohol, and other stimulants; as well as undiagnosed food sensitivities, obesity, and unrelenting stress all prematurely age our vascular system. As the immune system becomes suppressed, the body makes more vulnerable plaque that can become infected with Chlamydia and viruses and are very dangerous in heart disease. The production of cellular energy at the mitochondrial level is subject to the same stressors, especially blockades from environmental toxins such as volatile organic hydrocarbons, plastics, heavy metals, pesticides, and PCBs, along with deficiencies of important micronutrients such as magnesium, CoEnzyme Q10, Lipoic Acid, L-carnitine. and ribose. The cardiac muscle contains 25 times more mitochrondria per cell than skeletal muscles and normally manufactures ten or twelve pounds of ATP per day. As ATP levels fall, so does heart health especially in those with congestive heart failure. Steven Sinatra in his book, The Sinatra Solution, gives an excellent review of mitochondrial dysfunction and how CoQ10 reduces LDL oxidation in heart disease.24

Far Infrared Sauna
A great toxicity primer is Detoxify or Die by Sherry Rogers, MD.25 At first I thought the title was a little dramatic but after a couple of years of experience with Far Infrared (FIR) saunas, I think it is right on. She makes the point that we are all toxic, containing hundreds of pollutants, many of which are extremely damaging to the cardiovascular system. She mentions a couple of studies from the Mayo Clinic that cite improvement in congestive heart failure (CHF) patients following FIR sauna therapy to sweat out environmental toxins. That got my attention because I have lost a number of wonderful patients over the years to end-stage CHF, despite the best efforts of local cardiologists and myself. Regular sauna is contraindicated in CHF patients, but low temperature (90o to 140o F), FIR sauna, gradually employed, is well tolerated and life-saving. This year I have had two tough CHF patients remarkably improve following FIR sauna therapy. Everyone needs to sweat out their environmental toxins, especially the phthalates found in our plastic food and beverage packaging, because they concentrate in the heart and thyroid and are not subject to removal by any other means. FIR sauna has also proven effective in eliminating heavy metals, and Dr. Rogers also reminds us that CHF patients have vastly more mercury in the heart than healthy young individuals and that cadmium is a particularly virulent cardio toxin.

Homeopathy and Herbs
Constitutional homeopathy is very helpful in vascular disease, especially for those with emotionally broken hearts. Acute remedies with special focus on the heart and vascular system can be very impressive. Remember Hawthorne Berry (Crataegus) and Cactus for chest pain, and Crotalus (Rattlesnake venom) for chest pains and bleeding problems. Herbal tinctures of Crataegus can be used for heart support as well as for angina and arrhythmias. Cayenne pepper is used for angina, stroke, bleeding, and hypertension. Peppermint oil is also wonderful for fainting, shortness of breath, and chest pain.

Neural Therapy
Neural therapy from Germany utilizes procaine, a local anesthetic, for many therapeutic needs. Injecting procaine intradermally in wheals over acupuncture points on the chest and neck, and over vertebral dermatomes that enervate the heart and tender scapular points, can relieve chest pain. Injecting scars, especially midline heart surgery scars, can relieve heart pain instantly and sometimes permanently. German Biological Dentistry relates the teeth to different body organs and structures. Injecting procaine next to the heart-related teeth (wisdom teeth, retro molar areas, and canines) with procaine has immediately relieved heart pain and improved congestive heart failure in a few minutes. Relief of distant pain by procaine injections is called the Hunecke Lightening Reaction. Procaine injections are also diagnostic in that they show which teeth may have chronic infections. Bone infections under the teeth can have profound influence on distant structures, like the heart, as well as promote cancer by suppressing P53 and P21 proteins. A new diagnostic instrument called the Cavitat (www.cavitat.com), an FDA-approved, ultrasound diagnostic device, can demonstrate these areas of soft or missing bone usually infected with bacteria and fungi that form many bacterial toxins. The NewTom cat scan of the maxilla, mandible, and sinuses can also pinpoint hidden infections. Digital X-rays and digital Panorex X-rays are helpful, but can miss some bone infections.

Dental Detoxification
Dental toxicity is almost always involved with chronic illness, and vascular disease is no exception. Periodontal disease, frequently the result of nutritional deficiencies, including subclinical scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), and niacin, B3, and CoQ10 deficiencies is known to cause vascular disease. Infected gum tissue has been well documented to shed bacteria, that can attach to heart valves, into the blood. Mercury vapor escaping from amalgam fillings, aggravated by electro-galvanism from neighboring metal restorations, can attack any nerve tissue in the body, and will also attach to inflamed tissue such as the heart and vessels. Likewise, the above-mentioned bone cavitations can cause inflammation of the vascular endothelium through the release of pathogens and other inflammatory factors that then attract mercury and other metals to the vascular endothelium. These infections can raise the C-reactive protein levels in my experience. Having the amalgams replaced with ceramic, porcelain. or gold restorations is worthwhile if done safely following IABDM (International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine) or IAOMT (International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology) protocols. Some patients cannot tolerate any metal restorations. After performing hundreds of DMPS (dimercaptopropanesulphonate) challenge tests, everyone, in my experience, has mercury toxicity. Whether or not this causes clinical symptoms varies from individual to individual, depending on the strength of their detoxification mechanisms. It is ideal to have a vitamin C IV going during amalgam removal or, as they do in German biological medicine clinics, a selenium IV. Since both are rarely available in most communities, it is important to have a drip as soon possible after amalgam replacement to minimize changing addresses of the mercury in the body. Using buffered vitamin C, GMS-Ribose buffered C, or Liposomal vitamin C is also very helpful to achieve higher plasma levels of vitamin C.

Phosphatidylcholine makes up the bulk of cell membranes in young individuals. Young cell membranes contain six parts phosphatidylcholine to one part cholesterol/sphingomeyelin and, with aging, these ratios reverse. All our body’s business is done crossing cell membranes — getting nutrients in and toxins out — and this process depends on the health and integrity of membranes. Free radicals, and other toxic processes associated with aging, damage the cell membranes. This is especially true of the linings of our arteries. Studies in Switzerland and Germany are supportive of using intravenous phosphatidylcholine, especially when combined with EDTA Chelation therapy, to restore vascular cellular membrane integrity (see www.plaquex.ch).

Enzyme Therapy
Digestive and proteolytic enzyme therapy is important in vascular disease prevention and treatment. Pancreatic enzymes, lipases, proteases, trypsin, chemotrypsin, as well as bromelain and papain and Aspergillis sp. plant enzymes, all help reduce inflammation in the body and the vascular system. Serropeptase has been touted to digest plaque and nattokinase – derived from a ferment of soy and lumbrokinase – from earthworms digest fibrin. Lumbrokinase seems especially effective in reducing fibrin levels and the viscosity of blood. Urokinase, of course, is famous as a clot buster when used after heart attack and stroke.

Oxidative Therapies
Oxidative therapies, intravenous ozone, intravenous peroxide, and hyperbaric oxygen all have long histories of utility in vascular disease. Intravenous ozone infused in saline, and peroxide in saline with magnesium and manganese following IBOM (International Bioxidative Medical Association) protocols, change the red cell membranes and allow more oxygen to be released into the tissues, as well as pump up the immune system by stimulating white blood cells’ production of cytokines and lymphokines. Peroxide also reduces inflammation by killing viruses and bacteria that can live in infected plaque. Since most pathogens are anaerobic or partially anaerobic, hyperbaric oxygen therapy can also reduce inflammation, as well as enhance a number of other healing mechanisms, including rehabilitation after strokes.

Nutritional Support
Nutritional support for vascular disease is steadily improving. The anti-inflammatory effects of the EPA/DHA omega-3, -6 and -9 fatty acids are now known to protect against vascular disease. Several brands of “burpless” fish oils now exist, derived from deep sea fish that have had their fish proteins distilled off to avoid the fish burps and aftertaste that has deterred many patients over the years. Oils rich in omega-6, such as primrose, borage, and currant oils, have been shown to be efficient at reducing platelet aggregation.

Vitamin C, so critical for the connective tissue matrix of arteries and veins, is available in many new, more easily tolerated, forms. Buffered C, Tapioca C, Cassava C, and vitamin C combined with ribose and methyl sulfonyl methane provide better oral absorption and less intolerance than regular corn-based vitamin C. Tocotrienols, the other half of the vitamin E family, have proven their utility in lowering cholesterol levels along with Policosanol, derived from the wax of sugar cane. Significant positive data exists to indicate that the introduction of ribose, the central five-carbon sugar in the ATP molecule and the backbone of DNA and RNA, helps patients undergoing bypass surgery to recover from the stunning and hibernation due to poor energy metabolism in the heart muscle. Ribose is also effective in treating congestive heart failure and improving performance in elite athletes.

The greater bioavailability of CoQ10 suspensions helps all the body’s mitochondria, but especially the mitochondria-rich myocardium. Vitamins K1 and K2 not only help normalize clotting, but also move calcium in the body out of arterial plaque and joints into the bones and blood where it is needed. Magnesium malate seems to improve magnesium absorption and give greater anti-spasmodic protection for the vascular system, as well as provide a calming effect on the nervous system to help prevent sympathetic dominance.

Oral EDTA chelation has always been a helpful adjunct to intravenous chelation. Now oral EDTA chelation is available in a phosphatidylcholine, liposomal matrix that increases its oral absorption. This product is especially recommended for our patients who don’t have good veins. Rectal suppositories of EDTA are also a cost-effective and practical alternative to IV EDTA.

Bringing to light the homocysteine problem and its relationship to vascular disease and sticky blood is another milestone for cardiovascular health. This is a particular genetic “SNIP” – actually “SNP,” for single nucleotide polymorphism — that causes abnormal amounts of homocysteine to be made from cysteine in about 28% of patients and can be treated by adequate supplementation of folic acid, lysine, B6, and trimethylglycine. New glutathione preparations available for oral use, as well as the intravenous preparations, are of great help in removing toxic metals in vascular disease and in many neurological conditions. Elucidation of the role of nitric oxide (NO) in vascular endothelial health and as a vasodilator coupled with the importance of arginine, time-release arginine, and citruline and EDTA in boosting NO levels is another great advance. Vitamin D deficiency is also rampant in the population and is related to vascular disease as well as osteoporosis and joint disease. Don’t forget green tea, which has many uses in CVD. A nice review, providing many references for many of the above cardiovascular related nutrients, may be found in Sherry Rogers’ book, The High Blood Pressure Hoax.26

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Of the many advances in cardiovascular health in the last 30 years, perhaps none is more important as bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. Our hormones are important controllers of our vascular system. Hypothyroidism abounds, especially with borderline low blood levels. Hypothroidism is related to high cholesterol levels, low blood pressure, fatigue, and poor absorption of important heart nutrients like magnesium and chromium. Natural desiccated thyroid replacement therapy also helps with weight loss, mood, and constipation. Adrenal support with DHEA, 7-keto DHEA, pregnenelone, and adrenal cortex preparations keeps blood sugar steady, helps keep the body out of sympathetic dominance, and provides mild anabolic support to the heart. Progesterone is greatly protective for women in estrogen dominance, not only to avoid cancer but to prevent heart disease as well. Too much estrogen reduces oxygen utilization and creates hypoglycemia and weight gain. Testosterone is a big heart helper in both sexes. A greater relationship to cardiac events exists in patients over 70 who have low testosterone levels than with those who have high cholesterol levels. In this regard, I find it troubling to recall that none of the statin drugs have been studied longer than 12 weeks and that greatly inhibiting cholesterol synthesis also may cause a reduction in testosterone and other steroid hormone levels when taken over the long term.

A Case That Makes It All Worthwhile
This year we have had many greatly improved cardiovascular patients, but the progress of one in particular, whom we shall call Rocky, has been very heart-warming. Rocky is a 67-year-old retired Pan Am employee from Belgium. He was working as a security officer in a local casino when he collapsed in late July 2004. He was rushed to the hospital with shortness of breath. His electrocardiogram showed an old posterior wall infarct and rapid atrial fibrillation. A dual isotope myocardial perfusion study revealed a severe inferior wall defect from apex to base; a severe lateral wall defect from apex to base; a severe apical defect; and a moderate anterior wall defect. The mid-lateral wall was infracted. The left ventricle was massively dilated. There was akinesis of the inferior wall and significant hypokinesis of the anterolateral wall. Contraction was asynchronous. Ejection fraction was less than 10%. Angiography showed severe three vessel disease, a 70% occlusion of the left main, a subtotal occlusion of a large obtuse marginal artery, 70% stenosis of a diagonal, 50% stenosis of the left anterior descending and an occluded right with a posterior descending that filled by collaterals. He was hypertensive with kidney failure, liver failure, diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, ischemic cardiomyopathy, and congestive heart failure. With this presentation, the cardiovascular surgeon declined to do coronary bypass surgery and he was referred for medical management and cardioversion. He was discharged on enalapril, Coumadin, magnesium oxide, Sustane, Potassium chloride, Vistaril, Metoprolol, Aldactone, Lasix, amiodarone, Zocor, and testosterone gel.

In mid-September 2004, he appeared in my office, interested in chelation therapy and an integrative approach to his heart disease. After signing all the appropriate informed consent documents for each of the subsequent therapies, we began his treatment. His initial laboratory results showed a homocysteine of 27.4, C reactive protein 7.3, glucose 211, uric acid 10.9, creatinine 2.7, BUN 67, GGT 97, and triglycerides 330. He was on oxygen at night and was having weight fluctuations of several pounds per day from water retention related to his CHF. Rocky is a cheerful, highly motivated, and compliant person and began our program with enthusiasm. His physical exam was remarkable in that his heart sounds were very diminished to inaudible; he had mild ankle edema; and he had several mercury amalgam dental fillings. He gradually started far infrared saunas at 1000 for five minutes and worked up to 30 minutes at 1300 with no adverse effects. The saunas always made him feel better as he began to sweat out his toxic load of plastics, chemicals, and metals. On average, he went three to five times per week for nine months and then slowed down on the frequency of saunas as he felt better. After saunas, he took a detox cocktail of electrolytes, glutathione, vitamin C, and enzymes. He was able to sweat immediately, in contrast to some older patients who can’t sweat for months. He began a nutritional supplement program with multiple heart supportive nutrients with oral chelation, CoQ10 at 100 mg four times per day with vitamin E, mixed tocopherols, acetyl L carnitine, Cretaegus tincture (Hawthorne berry), desiccated thyroid, adrenal support, testosterone cream, B12, folic acid, Bucco herbal tonic for the kidneys, chromium, vanadium, Gemnemasilvestre for his blood sugar, peppermint oil drops for any shortness of breath, Nattokinase, vitamin K after Coumadin withdrawal, deodorized fish oil, primrose oil, B6, Lysine, time-release arginine, ribose with magnesium malate, proteolytic enzymes, and DMSA and chlorella for mercury detox after amalgam removal.

After several weeks of nutrient repletion, Rocky started chelation therapy with a low dose of disodium, magnesium EDTA to begin. His BUN and creatinine fell steadily to within normal limits during his therapy. He quickly was able to tolerate the full three grams of EDTA and completed 30 weekly chelation treatments and subsequently has had four more monthly treatments. Likewise, he completed 30 weekly intravenous infusions of phosphatidylcholine and four more monthly maintenance treatments. His diet counseling of a moderate protein, low simple carbohydrate, high-fiber diet paid off with a 35-pound weight loss from 225 to 190 lbs. Homocysteine is down to 16.1 (still working on this), C reactive protein is 1.68, glucose 91, uric acid 7.5, triglycerides 166, cholesterol 181, LDL 101, HDL 47, GGT 31, BUN 26, and creatinine 1.4.

In addition to the above treatments, we also used Laser Energetic Detoxification (LED), as taught by Lee Cowden, MD. LED is the application of low-power laser light modulated through homeopathic preparations of toxins, allergens, organs, hormones, and neurotransmitters to acupuncture points. Rocky was treated for sulfanilamide, Bactrim, and Septra (found in meats which putatively block sulfur metabolism in the whole body), 23 different mercury salts, cadmium Diazenon, DDT-DDE, insulin, pancreas, benzene, xylene, toluene, Dioxin, HGH, PCBs, Heptachlor, testosterone, formaldehyde-formic acid, petroleum, Atrazine, carbon tetrachloride, methyl ethyl ketone, glucagon, leptin, liver, and heart.

Repeat perfusion study in May 2005 showed an ejection fraction of 45% with good improvement in the left ventricular size. Many of the hypokinetic areas remained, but the study was of poor quality. Rocky has been working out with a personal trainer, rowing and lifting weights. He can walk several flights of stairs with no dyspnea and works ten hours per day, seven days per week as a checker in a large grocery chain (against medical advice) as a favor to a relative who manages the store. He has no chest pain or other vascular symptoms and is very happy with his newly found energy and endurance. He tires a little at the end of the day but, in general, says that he has never felt better in his life. He is off all medication except metoprolol and metformin, his nutrients, and hormones. His blood pressure is normal, and now you can actually hear his heart in normal sinus rhythm with a stethoscope and, as Rocky would say, “That’s a good thing.”

Moving Forward
Over the past 30 years, we have witnessed a huge burst of knowledge and treatments that have revolutionized our understanding of CVD. These treatments and scientific understanding of the basis of vascular disease are a great blessing for our patients and for us. The times are changing, and the safe harbors for integrative doctors are increasing. The Homeopathic Medical Boards in Nevada and Arizona have been in existence for over twenty years and have regulated homeopathic and integrative therapies successfully. An Investigational Review Board (IRB), created by the legislature in the State of Nevada to study and document alternative therapies, provides a great opportunity to gather the much-needed data to help support the safety and importance of integrative therapies. The California Business and Professions Code sec 2500 acknowledges the significant interest of physicians and patients alike in integrative approaches and holistic-based alternatives within the practice of medicine and charges the boards to establish specific policies, review statutes, and recommend modifications of law, to assure California consumers that the quality of medicine is the most advanced and innovative it can be, both in terms of preserving the health of California residents and providing effective diagnosis and treatment of illness for the residents of that state. With this in mind, it is time to expand our research and teach these advances to the next generation of physicians and healers.

Michael Gerber, MD, HMD, MD(H)
President, Nevada Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association
Gerber Medical Clinic, Inc.
3670 Grant Drive
Reno, Nevada, 89509

1. Clarke NE, Clarke CN, Mosher RE. The “in vivo” dissolution of metastatic calcium: an approach to atherosclerosis. Am J Med Sci. 1955; 220: 142-149.
2. Clarke NE. Arteriosclerosis, occlusive vascular disease and EDTA. Am J Cardiology. 1960; 2: 233-236.
3. Clarke NE. Treatment of occlusive vascular disease with disodium ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA). Am J Med Sci. 1960; Jun: 732-744.
4. Chappell TL, Stahl JP. The correlation between EDTA chelation therapy and improvement in cardiovascular function: a meta-analysis. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. Fall 1993; Vol. 6, Number 3.
5. Edwards DA, Carazon II, Essad LM. EDTA chelation therapy in myocardial stunning and hibernation. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. Winter 1997; Vol 10, Number 4.
6. Ali M, Ale O, Fayemi A, Juco J, Grieder-Brandenburger C. Improved myocardial perfusion in patients with advance ischemic heart disease with an integrative management program including EDTA chelation therapy. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients. January 1999.
7. Rudolph CJ, McKnight EW, Barber RK. A nonsurgical approach to obstructive carotid stenosis using EDTA chelation. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. Fall 1991; Vol 4, Number 3.
8. Rudolph CJ, McKonagh EW, Barber RK. Effect of EDTA chelation and supportive multivitamin/trace mineral supplementation of chronic lung disorders: a study of FVC and FEV. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. Winter 1989; Vol 2, Number 4.
9. Riiordan HD, Cheraskin E, Dirks M, Schultz M, Brizendine P. Another look at renal function and the EDTA treatment process. Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine. 1987; Vol. 2. No.3.
10. Rudolph CJ, Samuels RT, McDonagh EW. Visual field evidence of macular degeneration reversal using a combination of EDTA chelation and multiple vitamin and trace mineral therapy. Journal of Advancement in Medicine Winter. 1994; Vol. 7, Number 4.
11. Hancke C, Flytlie K. Benefits of EDTA chelation therapy in arteriosclerosis: a retrospective study of 470 patients. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. Vol 6, Number 3.
12. Olszewer E, Carter JP. EDTA chelation therapy in chronic degenerative disease. Medical Hypotheses. 1988; 27 41-49.
13. Casdorph HR, Farr CH. EDTA chelation therapy iii: treatment of peripheral arterial occlusion, an alternative to amputation. Journal of Holistic Medicine. Spring/Summer 1983; Vol 5. No. 1.
14. Kindness G, Frackelton JP. Effect of ethylene diaminetetracetic acid (EDTA) on platelet aggregation in human blood. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. Winter 1989; Vol 2. Number 4.
15. Casdorph HR. EDTA chelation therapy ii, efficacy in arteriosclerotic heart disease. Journal of Holistic Medicine. Spring/Summer 1981; Vol. 3. No 1.
16. Chappell LT. Randomized double-blind studies on sodium-magnesium EDTA. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. Summer 1995; Vol. 8. Number 2.
17. Casdorph HR. EDTA chelation therapy ii, efficacy in brain disorders. Journal of Holistic Medicine. Fall/Winter 1981; Vol.3. No.2.
18. Chappell LT. Point/counterpoint – effectiveness of EDTA chelation therapy. Alternative Therapies. May 1995; Vol.1. No. 2.
19. Letters to the Editor: Chelation Therapy Circulation. September 1, 1995; Vol. 92, No 5,
20. Escobar GA, Escobar SC. Chelation in Peripheral – Arterial Insufficiency. 1990.
21. McDonagh EW, Rucolph CJ. Noninvasive treatment for sequellae of failed coronary blood circulation: 100% occlusion of left anterior descending coronary artery, 30% stenosis right coronary artery, and left ventricular contractility deficit. Journal of Neurological and Orthopedic Medicine and Surgery, 1993; Vol.14. No. 3.
22. Olszewer D, Sabbag FC, Carter JP. A pilot double-blind study on sodium-magnesium EDTA in peripheral vascular disease. Journal of the National Medical Association. Vol. 82. No.3.
23. Rudolph CJ, McDonagh EW. Effect of EDTA chelation and supportive multivitamin trace mineral supplementation on carotid circulation: case report. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. Spring 1990; Vol.3. Number 1.
24. McDonagh EW, Rudolph CJ, Cheraskin E. An oculocerebrovasculometric analysis of the improvement in arterial stenosis following EDTA chelation therapy. Journal of Holistic Medicine. Spring/Summer 1982; Vol. 4 No.1.
25. Rudolph CJ, McDonagh EW, Barber RK. A nonsurgical approach to obstructive carotid stenosis using EDTA chelation. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. Fall 1991; Vol. 4. No. 3.
26. Rogers SA. The High Blood Pressure Hoax. The Sand Key Company, Inc.;2005. 1-800-846-6687 www.prestigepublishing.com
27. Sinatra ST. The Sinatra Solution, Metabolic Cardiology, New Hope for Preventing and Treating Heart Disease. Basic Health Publications, Inc.; 2005. 1-201-868-8336.
28. Rogers, SA: Detoxify or Die. Sand Key Co, Inc. 1-800-846-6687 www.prestigepublishing.com
29. Sloth-Nielsen J, Guldager B. Mouritzen C, et. al. Arteriographic findings in EDTA chelation therapy on peripheral arteriosclerosis. American Journal of Surgery. 1991; 162: 122-125.
30. Editorial: EDTA chelation : a rebuttal. Journal of Advancement in Medicine. 1992; 5: 3-5.
31. Cranton EM, Frackelton JP. Negative Danish study of EDTA chelation biased. Townsend Letter for Doctors. July 1992; 604-605.

Dayton: Chelation Therapy: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

88_dr_dayton_computerby Martin Dayton, DO, MD, MD(h)
Reprinted from the February/March 2006 Townsend Letter with permission

Chelation (pronounced ke’lat’shun) therapy in medicine is generally regarded to be the use of chelating agents to remove toxic heavy metals from the body. Toxic heavy metals include – but are not limited to – arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury. All metals, however, can be toxic when present in large enough concentrations.

The first widely used medical chelating agent, British Anti-Lewisite (BAL), also known as dimercaprol, was developed in the 1940s. Lewisite is an arsenic-based compound used in gas warfare. The chelating agent Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA) was also first used clinically in the 1940s. EDTA comes in two injectable forms that have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): Calcium disodium EDTA, to treat lead toxicity; and Disodium EDTA, to treat elevated blood concentrations of calcium. EDTA is effective in removing calcium while BAL is not. BAL is effective in removing mercury, but not calcium. Both remove lead. These and other medical chelating agents such as 2, 3 dimercapto-propane sulfonate (DMPS), dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), 3-mercapto-D-valine (penicilliamine), and desferrioxamine (DFO), all have distinctive characteristics governing circumstance-dependent usefulness.

Magnesium disodium EDTA is created by the addition of magnesium to commercially available disodium EDTA. This is the form of ETDA complex that has been popularly used to intravenously treat cardiovascular, autoimmune, and other degenerative diseases. Despite five decades of use in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, intravenous EDTA is not embraced by mainstream medicine nor approved by the FDA for treatment of cardiovascular conditions.

Studies favoring the use of intravenous EDTA in treatment of cardiovascular disease and other degenerative diseases have appeared in the medical literature since the 1950s. In 1956, N.E. Clarke published a study in the American Journal of Science, in which results showed that 19 of the 20 patients with angina studied received unusual relief, with some patients experiencing a normalization of electrocardiograms. Other benefits reported during this period, still being reported today, include improved memory; better sight; hearing and smell; and an increase in energy. Heavy metal toxicity interferes with normal physiologic function and repair, leading to numerous symptoms and contributing to many diseases. Multiple conditions may be alleviated simultaneously in the same person through reduction of heavy metal toxicity.

Various studies, both pro and con, have been performed to test the benefits of chelation therapy. However, studies performed thus far have been unable to gain universal acceptance because they were either too small (in number of subjects), not of acceptable design, scientifically biased, or otherwise flawed. In a 1993 study by L.T. Chappell. et al. in the Journal of Advancement in Medicine, the authors examined the overall effects of chelation therapy on 22,765 patients. Of those patients, 87% demonstrated objective benefit. Since then, the popularity of chelation therapy has continued to grow with ever-increasing numbers of success stories. Battles have raged, as they continue to rage today, between physicians promoting chelation, based upon best available evidence, and mainstream conservative clinicians who wish to restrict chelation usage unless a universally accepted study is performed that definitively proves efficacy. Approximately a decade after the study mentioned above, the National Institutes of Health gave the nod and, more importantly, $30,000,000 in funding, to perform a definitive study with 2,372 patients, 50 years of age or older, who have a history of a previous heart attack. The study is taking place at over 100 private medical offices, clinics, and centers across the USA, including prestigious institutions such as Mount Sinai Hospital, Miami Beach; the Mayo Clinic; and the University of Missouri .

The study, Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy (TACT), is led by cardiologist GervasioA.Lamas, MD, director of cardiovascular research and academic affairs at Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach. The study was carefully designed with input and agreement from both mainstream physicians and experts experienced in chelation therapy.

TACT follows a randomized double-blind format. Participating patients are placed into four different groups via a randomization process to help assure homogeneity.

One-half of the patients are given intravenous infusions of magnesium EDTA, while the other half receives infusions of a liquid placebo. All patients receive oral vitamin and mineral supplements to take home. To distinguish the contribution of the vitamin and mineral supplements from that of the intravenous infusions to clinical outcome, the two groups are subdivided into equal numbers of participants, each receiving either high-dose or low-dose vitamin and mineral supplements. The actual compositions of the infusions administered and supplements dispensed are not disclosed to the patients or to the administering /dispensing personnel, hence, the phrase, double-blind. All treatment records are coded for later evaluation.

Patients receive three-hour infusions weekly for 30 weeks, followed by ten more bi-weekly infusions for a total of 40 infusions. Throughout the study, routine medical care otherwise continues as before under the care of the patients’ own physicians. All patients participating are followed until the end of the study, up to five years, to determine presence or absence of clinical benefits, such as reduced incidence of heart attack, stroke, hospitalization for angina, coronary revascularization, and death. Effects on quality of life and cost of health care savings will also be assessed. In addition to potentially gaining personal health benefits at no cost, patients participating in the study are also rewarded in knowing that their participation will contribute to the future well being of others who have or are at risk of developing coronary artery disease. If TACT proves chelation to be effective and cost-effective, mainstream medicine will be forever changed for the better. There is no charge to patients for participating.

For information in regard to TACT or participating in TACT call or visit the following:888-644-6226

Web sites:

EDTA may be used preventively as well as therapeutically. W.Blumer and E.M.Cranton published a study in the Journal of Advancement of Medicine, which followed 231 subjects over the course of 18 years and reported a 90% reduction in cancer mortality in patients who had received ten or more Calcium EDTA infusions compared to those who did not.

Oral EDTA is used today preventively and therapeutically. Despite a five-percent EDTA absorption per the oral route, studies have validated benefit. EDTA may also enhance detoxification in form of rectal suppositories and as an additive to bath water.

Transdermal use of DMPS, a sulfur-containing chelator, provides benefit where other routes of DMPS administration are less desirous. Sulfur-containing foods such as eggs, garlic, and broccoli contribute to reducing the body burden of susceptible toxic metals. The common herb/spice cilantro has gained much recognition for its ability to reduce toxic metal burden. Nutritional supplements such as ascorbic acid, lipoic acid, malic acid, and DL methionine may be used to address metal toxicity as circumstances dictate. Various non-prescription preparations synergistically combining substances to enhance chelating properties are constantly being introduced into the marketplace. An innovative product based on zeolite has recently been introduced. Infrared heat saunas, magnetic mattresses, galvanic current, mineral baths, and sweat-inducing exercise also have proven to benefit metal toxicity.

Metabolic and genomic testing offers information regarding our individual abilities to detoxify. With such information in hand, physicians can target inherited and acquired weaknesses nutritionally, medically, and via lifestyle modification to aid heavy metal detoxification.

Drs. A. Yasko and G. Gordon are researching the viral influences that affect heavy metal retention. The use of virus-specific, RNA-based oral supplementation has demonstrated impressive clinical results in detoxification of heavy metals recalcitrant to previous attempts of removal with chelating agents alone. This futuristic technology is available for use today.

For more information, visit the following web sites: www.autismanswer.com; www.holistichealth.com; www.gordonresearch.com

The American Board of Chelation Therapy, which certifies physicians with toxic metal expertise, inclusive of chelation therapy, has recently changed its name to the American Board of Clinical Metal Toxicology. This was done in part to better reflect the need to address the bigger picture of heavy metal toxicity. We need to be environmentally proactive, to clean up contaminated areas, to control industrial and agricultural wastes, to remove toxic metals from vaccines and dentistry, and to educate the public in regard to the presence of toxic metals in products we use, including the foods we consume.

Organizations sponsoring chelation training for physicians include the following: American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM)
Web site: http://www.acam.org

International College of Integrative Medicine (ICIM)
Web site: http://www.icimed.com

Chelation: Technical Sidebar
Chemically, chelation is the process of binding an electrically charged metal atom with another molecule, the chelating agent (chelator), to form heterocyclic ring molecular structures. A heterocyclic ring contains dissimilar atoms. Chelating agents are molecules that have the capacity to form such structures when binding with metals. The electrical charge of the metal is neutralized by the sharing of electrons in chemical bonds between the metal and chelating agent. The resultant metal complex is a chelate. Such chemical bonds have been metaphorically depicted as grasping pincers of a claw. The word chelation is derived from the Greek language, chele, meaning claw.

EDTA Metal Metal – EDTA
The metal is generically depicted by the letter M. Metals that bind to EDTA include metals essential to life, such as magnesium and calcium, as well as toxic metals, such as cadmium and lead. Any metal can be toxic when present in too great a quantity. Nitrogen (N), oxygen (O) and carbon (C) atoms compose the basic ring elements of EDTA. The letter H depicts a hydrogen atom bonded with oxygen (O) to form OH. H2 depicts two hydrogen atoms, which are bound to ring forming carbon (C) atoms. The single solid lines ( / ) between EDTA ring forming atoms represent single chemical bonds. The parallel lines (=) reflect double chemical bonds. The broken lines (—) depict “claw-like” bonds between non-metallic elements of EDTA and the chelated metal (M). Although Sulfur (S) atoms are not found in EDTA, they may be found in other chelating agents. The distinct chemical makeup of various chelating agents provide them with unique abilities to bind different metals under differing circumstances. Chelating agents are selected for therapeutic use based on their respective properties.

Chelation may be used to deliver metals into and remove metals from the body. Magnesium ascorbate (vitamin C) is a chelate found in orange juice and in nutritional supplements. Chelation involves reversible binding of metals. Thus, ascorbate may release the essential metal magnesium in the body and complex with the toxic metal lead to form lead chelate. The lead exits the body complexed as lead chelate, reducing the body burden of lead. Chelates generally exit the body through the kidneys, via urine or through the bile via the stool. However, chelates may not necessarily eliminate toxic metals, but rather redistribute them in the body. Since many orange juice drinkers and daily vitamin and mineral-tablet users have excess mineral toxicity and related diseases, the medical field of clinical metal toxicology has much to offer. Clinical metal toxicology, which includes chelation therapy, deals with various issues in regard to preventing and reducing metal toxicity.

Chelating agents are prevalently found in industry, including textile dyeing, water softening, enzyme deactivation, and food preservation. Besides being useful in medicine, chelation is essential for life. Chlorophyll is a chelate of the metal magnesium. Vitamin B12 is a chelate of cobalt. Heme, a component of hemoglobin, is a chelate of iron.

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Oxidative DNA Damage and Lipid Peroxidation

EDTA chelation therapy, without added vitamin C, decreases oxidative DNA damage and lipid peroxidation.

by Roussel AM1, Hininger-Favier I, Waters RS, Osman M, Fernholz K, Anderson RA.


Chelation therapy is thought to not only remove contaminating metals but also to decrease free radical production. However, in standard ethylene diamine tetracetic acid (EDTA) chelation therapy, high doses of vitamin C with potential pro-oxidant effects are often added to the chelation solution. The authors demonstrated previously that the intravenous administration of the standard chelation cocktail, containing high amounts of vitamin C, resulted in an acute transitory pro-oxidant burst that should be avoided in the treatment of pathologies at risk of increased oxidative stress such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The current study was designed to determine the acute and chronic biochemical effects of chelation therapy on accepted clinical, antioxidant variables. An EDTA chelation cocktail not containing ascorbic acid was administered to six adult patients for five weeks (10 sessions of chelation therapy); antioxidant indicators were monitored. Immediately after the initial chelation session, in contrast with the data previously reported with the standard cocktail containing high doses of vitamin C, none of the oxidative stress markers were adversely modified. After five weeks, plasma peroxide levels, monitored by malondialdehyde, decreased by 20 percent, and DNA damage, monitored by formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Fpg) sensitive sites, decreased by 22 percent. Remaining antioxidant-related variables did not change. In summary, this study demonstrates that multiple sessions of EDTA chelation therapy in combination with vitamins and minerals, but without added ascorbic acid, decreases oxidative stress. These results should be beneficial in the treatment of diseases associated with increased oxidative stress such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
