Saving a Million Hearts

In 2013 a group of ICIM members gathered to discuss an integrative, preventative approach to the Saving a Million Hearts initiative, including chelation therapy. Here are video clips of their conversations. The event was organized by Terry Chappell MD, and Jeannette Soriano MD is the facilitator.

Jeannette Soriano

Saving a Million Hearts Outline

Saving a Million Hearts Introduction from an Integrative Medicine Perspective

Dr. Terry Chappell, Dr. Lambert Parker, and Dr. James Carter discuss the “Saving a Million Hearts” initiative of the CDC and other medical groups. These three integrative doctors talk about the importance of going beyond pharmaceuticals.

Saving a Million Hearts: Stress and Lifestyle

Dr. John Wilson, Dr. James Carter, Dr. Ellie Campbell discuss diet, stress, and lifestyle as they relate to cardiovascular disease. Includes reference to an Alpha-Stim study by ICIM member William Eidleman MD.

Saving a Million Hearts: Informed Consent

Dr. Terry Chappell and Dr. Russ Jaffe discuss the importance of having informed consents as part of the patient education process for integrative medicine and chelation therapy for cardiovascular disease.

Saving a Million Hearts: Testing for Risk Factors

Dr. Conrad Maulfair, Dr. Ellie Campbell, Dr. Robban Sica, and Dr. Joe Hickey discuss what cardiovascular risk factors should be explored for effective prevention of heart attack and stroke.

Saving a Million Hearts: Metabolic Syndrome

Dr. Joe Hickey, Dr. Robban Sica, Dr. Ellie Campbell, Dr. Conrad Maulfair talk about the testing they do to screen for Metabolic Syndrome in their integrative practices, and discuss what treatments they recommend to their patients.

Saving a Million Hearts: Testing and Treating Cholesterol

Dr Rick Mason, Dr. Joe Hickey and Dr. Garry Gordon discuss cholesterol’s role in heart disease- to test or not to test! What is the dietary impact? What kind of cholesterol should we focus on? HDL, LDL, lipids, proteins, triglycerides… what wisdom will the future of medicine hold? Is there a cholesterol propaganda scheme? What are treatment strategies?

Saving a Million Hearts: Blood Pressure

Dr. Joe Hickey, Dr. Lambert Paker, Dr. Muhammad Ashraf discuss blood pressure tips for check ups, monitoring and treatment.

Saving a Million Hearts: Toxic Metals Q&A

Dr. Robin Bernhoft, Dr. Jim Smith, Dr. John Wilson answer questions from some of the most experienced chelation doctors in the country about diagnosing and treating heavy metal toxicity, with a focus on EDTA chelation.

Saving a Million Hearts: Chelation Protocols I

Dr. Robban Sica, Dr. Terry Chappell, and Dr. Garry Gordon discuss the IV chelation protocols that they have used.

Saving a Million Hearts: Chelation Protocols II

Dr. Robban Sica, Dr. Terry Chappell, and Dr. Garry Gordon discuss the IV chelation protocols that they have used.

Saving a Million Hearts: Micronutrients 

Dr. Chuck Mary and Dr. Rick Mason, CoQ10, Magnesium, Copper and other micronutrients’ role in the body and for prevention of cardiovascular disease.

Saving a Million Hearts: Women’s Health and Allergy Testing in Cardiovascular Disease

Dr. Robban Sica, Dr. Russell Jaffe, Dr. Ellie Campbell, and Dr. John Wilson discuss the role allergies can play in cardiovascular disease, laboratory testing, and special considerations for women’s health.

Dr. Chappell’s article “Saving a Million Hearts can be found here



Mercury Toxicity and Treatment: A Review of the Literature

I can’t thank you enough for your excellent participation in a landmark meeting “Saving a Million Hearts.” The structure was an experiment that we definitely want to repeat, and it reminds us again about the quality of our membership and attendees.

Here is one more resource:

Dear Dr. Bernhoft,

I am pleased to let you know that your article has been published in its final form in the “Journal of Environmental and Public Health:”

Robin A. Bernhoft, “Mercury Toxicity and Treatment: A Review of the Literature,” Journal of Environmental and Public Health, vol. 2012, Article ID 460508, 10 pages, 2012. doi:10.1155/2012/460508.

You may access this article from the Table of Contents of Volume 2012, which is located at the following link:

Alternatively, you may directly access your article at the following location:

“Journal of Environmental and Public Health” is an open access journal, meaning that the full-text of all published articles is made freely available on the journal’s website with no subscription or registration barriers.

Best regards,

Noha Hany
Journal of Environmental and Public Health
Hindawi Publishing Corporation.