Holliday, MD: Carotid Restenosis: A Case for EDTA Chelation

By H. Joseph Holliday, MD, FACA, RVT


Carotid restenosis has been found in up to 25% of patients after carotid endarterectomy. The most common cause of restenosis is continuation of the atherosclerotic process. Surgery can be beneficial in stroke prevention and should be considered in those patients at high risk for stroke. However, surgery does not arrest the disease of atherosclerosis. This report demonstrates a 10% reduction in the degree of stenosis in a patient treated with EDTA chelation for restenosis of a carotid artery after endarterectoy. EDTA chelation does arrest and reverse atherosclerosis and should be used in conjuction with surgery or as a primary treatment for carotid restenosis as well as for vascular occlusive disease in any artery whether initial or recurrent.

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